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Another very busy fortnight around the school and in our classrooms since our last newsletter. Each class have been adding their creative ideas to share their learning via our first ever virtual assembly. The assembly will be broken up in to grade items and your child’s class presentation will be shared on Seesaw. We will also share all the grades via Schoolzine so keep an eye out for both of those.
Last week, through the rather chilly days including the snow day, the workers completed the demolition of the old prep room. We now have a clean slate ready to start the new development. We are all so looking forward to next year when we have all 6 classrooms in the same area, at the same level with paths and doors to connect each to one another and have our hall back. When the build is completed, as a staff, we will look at which areas best suit the learning of which grades.
It is great to be able to run excursions again and today the grade 4/5 went to the Moonah Sports Centre to experience wheelchair basketball and on September 3 the 5/6 class are off to the Tasmanian Hockey Centre. Together with the MEC excursions we are always seeking ways to support and enrich the learning in each class in our school.
It is lovely to see our Pre-Kinder and LiL families back on Thursdays and Fridays. We will post on our communication sites when there is a change to allow out of area families to return. If you have a Kinder child for 2021 (born 2016) and are in area or know of a family in area we are currently taking enrolments. Contact the office for enrolment forms. Next year is a big year of younger brothers and sisters ready for Kinder.
During week 2 of Term 3, 2/3 Jacobson excitedly embarked on our first adventure as a team on our MEC excursion to enjoy and appreciate the nature of what it means to be part of a team. The day was full of success and achievement as students encouraged one another, developed a range of strategies for different challenges, negotiated ideas and improved their communication skills. This was demonstrated in our top class record of 16 students for the ‘George of the Jungle’ activity where we had to swing on a rope from one side to the other without touching the ground or falling off the tyre.
Students discussed ‘How can you be a strong team member?’
You can be a good team member by being there to support your team. – Addison
I help people when they are stuck. – Laurie
Helping a person with their problems in a kind and caring way. – Haley
You can be a strong team member by cheering another member on and saying they can do it. Sharing your ideas with your team is helpful too. – Bailee
By encouraging everyone and letting everyone share their ideas. – Amber
By showing great sportsmanship. – Alex W
Including people and helping each other. – Jack S
Being nice and help your classmates. – Seth
A good team mate is someone who includes you and helps you with things that are hard. A good team mate is someone who protects you from danger. – Ashley
You can inspire people by encouraging them. - Dennis
You can be a great team member by helping people when they need it. - Jack R
You can listen to other people’s ideas and find out quicker ways to do something by talking about it with others. - Maia
By helping, encouraging and listening to others. You can help them when they are stuck and encourage them when they are scared. - Palasa
By working together and listening to each other. - Alex D
Working together to find ways to help other team members. – Axton
I was able to help my team mate by showing him how to balance planks. – Mitchell
You can help people by encouraging them by saying ‘You can do it’. Passing on kind thoughts with positive words. – Abbie
Asking for help if you need it. – Lachlan
You can ask people to share their ideas to feel included. - Braiden
To always try your best and have a go. - Jett
Offering ways to help those that need it. - Aiden

Marvellous Molesworth mob of motivated mycologists motor to Mt. Field!
“Excitement was in the air as we left Molesworth Primary on our hopeful mission to find fungi, big and small.” (Conor)
“Once we started everyone forged their way to find weird, colourful fungi. It was cold and slushy underfoot, but throughout the wonderful green, sparkling day Mother Nature showed us beauty and sunshine, throughout the forest.” (Alona)
“The logs were mossy and the ground was damp, wet and cold.” (Meghan)
“It was cold, so vast and green……The waterfall was fierce like it was guarding something, so mighty and strong…..The fungi was like magic and the trees were so tall, like they were guiding ships from space.” (Finn)
“Some fungi were frozen. One even looked like ice.” (Violet)
“We found coral fungi, agarics, brackets, puff balls and earth stars.” (Ruby C)
We split into six groups of four. We followed a long trail encountering many species of fungi. The two most intriguing were the jelly fungi and the coral fungi.” (Gabe)
“It was a long journey but once we arrived we realised that it was definitely worth it. As the frost was whisked away by the morning sun we began our search.” (Hamish)
“We were on a mission to find fantastic colourful fungi.” (Ruby R)
“Last Friday we visited the beautiful, bitterly cold Mt Field. The sun was shining but the cold around us was sharp.” (Macy)
“The fungi were colourful and delicate. Some were big, some were small. Everything was covered in a thick layer of soft, green moss and lichen.” (Stephanie)
“Our legs were aching and our stomachs were growling.” (Arrie)
“We found the waterfall. It was loud. It felt like rain and it was beautiful.” (Kyeshia)
Term Dates 2020:
Last day of Term 3 is Friday 25 September, 2020
Term 4: Monday 12 October 2020 to Thursday 17 December 2020
(Friday 23 October - Student Free Day)
The SRC are up and running again selling Icy-Poles and Ice-Creams every Thursday in the undercover area. The proceeds from this go towards the Year 6 Leavers Day in Term 4.
Tomorrow (Thursday the 29 April), Year 5-6 will be visiting the Molesworth Environment Centre to participate in team building activities.
They will begin their session at 10:00 am with morning tea at the MEC and then walk across the bridges to the senior team building activities site. After completing the activities, they will have lunch and then walk back to attempt the rope bridge and should arrive back at school at approximately 2:00 pm.
Students will need to bring a packed lunch, drink bottle and warm weatherproof clothing and suitable footwear.
Permission slips have been sent home and should have already all been returned to school to allow students to participate in this excursion.
On Friday 30 April (this Friday) students from Year 3-4 will be participating in an Indigenous Studies session with the Molesworth Environment Centre.
The class will be starting the excursion at 10:00 am at the MEC building here at school before heading out onto the surrounding properties as part of the day’s activities. They expect to return by approximately 2:00 pm. Students are required to bring on the day a packed lunch and drink bottle. A spare or extra drink too is highly desirable. Children need to wear comfortable long sleeved/legged clothing, appropriate closed toe walking/running shoes and have a weatherproof jacket.
Permission slips have been sent home and should have already all been returned to school to allow students to participate in this excursion.
On Wednesday 5th May Prep/1 Wiseman/Young have their first MEC excursion. They will be participating in a number of team building challenges designed to encourage cooperation, effective communication skills and problem solving. The purpose of this excursion will provide situations for students to practice work collaboratively with others to solve problems.
They will be walking to the nearby team building area that is set in bush surroundings, with challenges making use of the natural environment as well as manmade structures. Students will be engaging in physical activities that support agility and physical coordination development and are required to wear appropriate sturdy walking footwear. All activities will be based in an outdoor/bush environment and students will need to bring a packed lunch, plenty of drinking water, warm and waterproof clothing, and a school hat.
Permission slips will be sent home shortly and NEED TO BE RETURNED TO SCHOOL NO LATER THAN TUESDAY 4 MAY, 2021.
On Wednesday 12May, the children from Prep-1J are going on an excursion to the Molesworth Environment Centre. The students will be participating in an introductory Team Building session.
The students will be leaving the school at 9:30 am and will be returning at 12:30 pm.
The students will wear their school uniform but will require a warm jacket as they will be outside for part of the school day. They will require a packed recess plus filled plastic drink bottle. We will be returning to school for our lunch break.
Permission slips will be sent home shortly and NEED TO BE RETURNED TO SCHOOL NO LATER THAN TUESDAY 11 MAY, 2021.