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Another very busy two weeks at Molesworth. The building work is progressing extremely well considering the weather we have had. The plumbing work has created a few issues as the underground system here is very old and not well marked. Because of this our students have used the front of the school for recess and lunch with the gates closed. It has been lovely to see all the creative games in the new space and the different friendships developing. They have loved the chalk and each day there is a whole new set of artworks to enjoy. The plumbing work in the playground should be completed by the end of the week so we will have our playground and netball court back to use. The oval has been out of use because of the amount of rain over the past two weeks. Today and last Thursday each PE class experienced hockey using the community hall for each lesson. This past week we have seen the footings for the new building go in with the outline of the shape of our new spaces now very clear. Children have lots of conversations about what is happening and why and what is next. This is a rare opportunity where the students experience all the stages of how a building is created from such a close vantage point.
Hopefully all families have viewed their children’s’ class item in the virtual assembly and congratulations to all award recipients who are photographed in this newsletter. If you have not yet seen their item, log in to Seesaw as it is in there to enjoy. All teachers continue to use Seesaw to share your child’s learning so check in whenever you have a spare minute. The Year 1-2 class have made some amazing movies sharing their blue bot programming skills and the Kinders have loved creating dams and channels in the digging area and wondering about where the water goes.
It is great to see the blossom and the new shoots appearing as we head towards the end of winter and in to spring.
The Young Archies Awards are modelled on the famous Archibald Prize. Awards are presented in year categories, for the best portrait of a man, woman or child, created by a student in a Tasmanian Government school or college.
Contratulations to all the students who have had their artwork entries chosen for 2020.

This term in Science the Prep students have been learning about Weather.
We have been identifying the symbols that can be used and looked at what tools Meteorologists have to measure the rain, wind and temperature. We have set up our own weather station in the garden near our classroom and have been keeping charts to record our observations. The cold frosty mornings in the last few weeks and the warm day time temperatures have made our predictions about what the weather will be like next week difficult.

STAS Eligibility Changes
The Tasmanian Government has announced the expansion of the Student Assistance Scheme (STAS), which waives the cost of Tasmanian Government levies for eligible students, for the 2021 school year onwards.
The eligibility for STAS will move to using the Health Care Card or equivalent as the assessment mechanism, replacing previous income thresholds that applied.
A set of Frequently Asked Questions has been developed to assist with any questions you may have.
Further questions about STAS or Levies and Charges in general can be sent to the Department of Education’s Financial Services Unit at or by calling 1800 827 055.
On Wednesday 12 August the Year 4/5 students travelled to Moonah Sports Stadium to participate in Wheelchair Basketball and other para sports as part of our focus in health and physical education. Our students had a lot of fun engaging in the different activities and found some of them quite challenging! The session was run in collaboration with Kevin and Richard from Physical disABILITY sports Tasmania and we thank them for this amazing opportunity for our students.
We sat in wheelchairs and we practiced moving around in them first. Then we played wheelchair basketball. After we played wheelchair basketball we played sitting volleyball – Kyeshia
It was really really really really fun! Richard (who was in a wheelchair) shared with us that you don’t want to be in a wheelchair as there are so many things you cannot do. If you are involved with someone doing something stupid tell them to stop otherwise, they might get really badly hurt and they might have to go in a wheelchair for the rest of their lives - Finn
Everyone played sitting volleyball. We played a game called Boccia with blue and red balls. We also practiced how to push ourselves in a wheelchair – Dante

Congratulations to all the students who achieved Class Awards this term.
YEAR 1-2:
YEAR 2-3:
YEAR 3-4:
Lucinda also received an award, but was absent for a photo.
YEAR 4-5:
YEAR 5-6:

Kyeten also received an award, but was absent for a photo.
Last week our Year 6 students received their leaver's tops. As you can see they were beyond excited and they all look wonderful!!

Every Wednesday students from the Year 5-6 make their way over to the Kinder area to take the Kinder students for a little fitness class. Here are a few photos as evidence of the fun they all have, big and small.

The SRC are up and running again selling Icy-Poles and Ice-Creams every Thursday in the undercover area. The proceeds from this go towards the Year 6 Leavers Day in Term 4.
Tomorrow (Thursday the 29 April), Year 5-6 will be visiting the Molesworth Environment Centre to participate in team building activities.
They will begin their session at 10:00 am with morning tea at the MEC and then walk across the bridges to the senior team building activities site. After completing the activities, they will have lunch and then walk back to attempt the rope bridge and should arrive back at school at approximately 2:00 pm.
Students will need to bring a packed lunch, drink bottle and warm weatherproof clothing and suitable footwear.
Permission slips have been sent home and should have already all been returned to school to allow students to participate in this excursion.
On Friday 30 April (this Friday) students from Year 3-4 will be participating in an Indigenous Studies session with the Molesworth Environment Centre.
The class will be starting the excursion at 10:00 am at the MEC building here at school before heading out onto the surrounding properties as part of the day’s activities. They expect to return by approximately 2:00 pm. Students are required to bring on the day a packed lunch and drink bottle. A spare or extra drink too is highly desirable. Children need to wear comfortable long sleeved/legged clothing, appropriate closed toe walking/running shoes and have a weatherproof jacket.
Permission slips have been sent home and should have already all been returned to school to allow students to participate in this excursion.
On Wednesday 5th May Prep/1 Wiseman/Young have their first MEC excursion. They will be participating in a number of team building challenges designed to encourage cooperation, effective communication skills and problem solving. The purpose of this excursion will provide situations for students to practice work collaboratively with others to solve problems.
They will be walking to the nearby team building area that is set in bush surroundings, with challenges making use of the natural environment as well as manmade structures. Students will be engaging in physical activities that support agility and physical coordination development and are required to wear appropriate sturdy walking footwear. All activities will be based in an outdoor/bush environment and students will need to bring a packed lunch, plenty of drinking water, warm and waterproof clothing, and a school hat.
Permission slips will be sent home shortly and NEED TO BE RETURNED TO SCHOOL NO LATER THAN TUESDAY 4 MAY, 2021.
On Wednesday 12May, the children from Prep-1J are going on an excursion to the Molesworth Environment Centre. The students will be participating in an introductory Team Building session.
The students will be leaving the school at 9:30 am and will be returning at 12:30 pm.
The students will wear their school uniform but will require a warm jacket as they will be outside for part of the school day. They will require a packed recess plus filled plastic drink bottle. We will be returning to school for our lunch break.
Permission slips will be sent home shortly and NEED TO BE RETURNED TO SCHOOL NO LATER THAN TUESDAY 11 MAY, 2021.
Term Dates 2020:
Last day of Term 3 is Friday 25 September, 2020
Term 4: Monday 12 October 2020 to Thursday 17 December 2020
(Friday 23 October - Student Free Day)