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Thank you to everyone for making the time to come and share our presentation assembly today.
"It has certainly been a year like no other. All plans for 2020 went out the window in March and a whole new set were bought in. I would like to start by thanking the amazing staff of Molesworth, who took on all the changes and restrictions with a positive outlook and forward thinking ideals, they all took on a huge learning curve as we introduced online learning, and then making all the adjustments necessary as the students returned, without missing a beat with student learning. We went from face to face assemblies to virtual assemblies online, we introduced learning and communication through Seesaw, we read on line, we played sport on line and we shared resources and activities to engage not only our students but also their families though a time of rapid change and concern. 8 months later Covid is still a significant part of our way of life, everywhere we go we are conscious of social distancing, hand sanitiser and contact tracing. The students now see the changes as normal schooling. Throughout all this, classes have continued to buzz with conversations, with wonderings with so much thinking and questioning. So thank you to all the students, you are what make it such a great place to be. I am so impressed with all your achievements, your passion for learning, care for each other and desire to be constantly learning and improving. Reflect back over the year and think about what you have learned and all the things you have done. There is just so much to be grateful for.
And in amongst everything we have 3 new classrooms being constructed. On Monday I was lucky enough to do a walk through and they are going to be amazing learning spaces for our students. The planned completion date and hand over is February the 28th and we are certainly looking forward to that.
I would like to acknowledge all of the hard work of our teacher assistants and ancillary staff who are all valuable members of our school. Thanks to Telisa and Anita in the office for putting in so much hard work and organisation behind the scenes for our assembly today.
I sincerely thank Mr Hay for his organisation of the musical items for today, there were many plans put in place and changed as we worked out how best to celebrate and showcase the talent of our students in this outdoor environment.
As the year ends we say good bye to a number of students, families and staff of Molesworth Primary. We wish the grade 6 students all the very best for the next stage of their learning. They should all be very proud of their achievements, their commitment to their continued learning and their caring attitude towards all others at Molesworth. They are all brilliant examples of our school values of nature, nurture and knowledge. Enjoy your time at high school and if ever you have a spare minute please drop in and say hello. To our families who are finishing their time at Molesworth, thank you for your contribution and support of your children and the school.
And for staff, we say goodbye and thank you to Taylor Huddleston and Irene Hilly who have completed their contracts here and are taking on a new stage in their careers at new schools. To Kaye Bush who attempted retirement this time last year but loved us so much came back for one more year, enjoy the many new adventures ahead of you in retirement. And to Rodney Brown who has cared for this beautiful school for the past 23 years. I have seen many smiles as he has walked by in the past week as he very much looks forward to retired life. Keeping this place looking as magnificent as it always does takes a great deal of time and effort and we all appreciate all that you have done over the past 23 years."
Have a safe and happy holiday break and we will see you all back again next year for another brilliant year at Molesworth.
Morning Fitness 2020
What a year it has been for our Morning Fitness program! Over the year we have had many changes both in our activities and locations. With each change throughout the year, our year 6 students took this in their stride and did a fabulous job adapting and demonstrated some fantastic leadership and commitment to the program. It was wonderful to see them organising and running the activities, growing in confidence and supporting each other. During the past two weeks they have been extra busy, mentoring the Year 5 students ready to lead for next year. Well done leaders on your brilliant efforts!

PE – Lifelong Physical Activity Community Excursions
This term, with a strong focus on lifelong physical activity, our classes were very busy trying out new sports in class time, some that they have never heard of or played before while others refreshing an activity they had tried previously.
Our students also participated in many local sporting excursions and were able to access facilities in our local Derwent Valley community, some of which our students had travelled past but never before had the opportunity to stop and check them out!
We saw some our classes visit the New Norfolk Bowls Club, tour the facilities and have a go at some different bowling activities on the green! Some of our classes visited the New Norfolk Golf Club where they were able to check out the club rooms and walk out onto the deck to see the stunning view of the green from up above, they then practiced putting on the practice green and had a hit on the practice fairway. Some of our classes also visited the Hobart Gymnastics Academy where their skills were put to the test on the obstacle courses, beams, bars, rings and trampolines. Our Prep class also enjoyed playing with their massive parachute and ribbons.
It was so rewarding to see our kids try something new and find a joy in different activities! What a way to finish PE in 2020.
I would like to pass on a huge thank you to Neville and the volunteers at the New Norfolk Bowls Club, Glenn and the volunteers from the New Norfolk Golf Club and Leanne and the instructors from the Hobart Gymnastics Academy, Debbie and Steve for driving us all around New Norfolk, our lovely parent helpers and Mrs Browning, Mrs Hills and Ms Bennett for accompanying our kids!

Award for Commitment to Learning
Presented by Mrs Sharon Rime to Harvey Woodcock
Award for Commitment to Learning
Presented by Mrs Sharon Rime to Brilee Chaplin
Outstanding Commitment & Leadership in Sport Award 2020
Presented by Miss Kathryn Gourlay to Shaun White and Matilda Jelkic
Outstanding Commitment to our Arts Program Award 2020
Presented by Mr David Hay to Tallulah Plunkett
Award for Creativity in Learning
Presented by Mrs Kaye Bush to Willow McFarlane
New Norfolk High School Bursary Award for 2021
Presented by Mrs Leanne Smith to Katie Winter
Minister for Education & Training Respectful Student Award 2020
Presented by Mrs Leanne Smith to Leif Graham
Award for Academic Achievement 2020
Presented by Mrs Sharon Rime to Ewan Dillon
Award for Academic Achievement 2020
Presented by Mrs Sharon Rime to Shaun White
Molesworth Primary ‘School Spirit’ Award 2020
Presented by Mrs Leanne Smith to Matilda Jelkic
Please be advised that there have been some changes to the Term 1 school holiday dates.
The end date for Term 1, 2021, has been brought forward to allow the school holiday period to commence immediately following Easter Tuesday.
This means that students will not have to return to school for three days between Easter break and Term 1 school holidays, which was previously the case.
The overarching reason behind this decision is to allow for greater learning continuity for students.
The new arrangements are as follows:
Date/s |
Event |
Wednesday 31 March |
End of Term 1 (K-10) |
Thursday 1 April |
Statewide Moderation Day |
Friday 2 April – Tues 6 April |
Easter break |
Wed 7 April – Tues 20 April |
Term 1 holidays (2 weeks) |
Wed 21 April |
Term 2 commences |
With the school holidays falling directly after Easter, it will be an ideal time for your family to take advantage of the extended holiday period!
All Term dates for 2021 can be found on the Department of Education website at
Term 1 2021
Schools 3 February – 31 March
Colleges 3 February – 1 April
Break 2 April – 20 April (note: 1 April is a Student Free Day for students in Kindergarten to Year 10)
Term 2 2021
Schools 21 April – 2 July
Colleges 21 April – 2 July
Break 3 July – 19 July
Term 3 2021
Schools 20 July – 24 September
Colleges 19 July – 24 September
Break 25 September – 10 October
Term 4 2021
Schools 11 October – 16 December
Colleges 11 October – Check with your college for student finish date
The Department of Education recently announced expanding the Student Assistance Scheme for 2021.
Parents who have a current concession card as listed below can apply for dependent students for assistance under the STAS:
- Services Australia - Centrelink Health Care Card
- Services Australia - Centrelink Low Income Health Care Card
- Services Australia - Pensoner Concession Card or
- Department of Veteran Affairs - Pensioner Concession Card.
Please note that if you are already receiving student assistance you do not need to complete a form.
A new on-line form has been developed to assist with processing applications for new applicants.
The online form can be completed here:
Once a validated form is completed the Department of Education will confirm the outcome of your application in writing, this process takes approximately 14 days.
We understand this online option may not be possible for all families, so if you require a hard copy form please contact the School Office or the Financial Assistance Unit on or 1800 827 077.