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WOW what a busy and exciting week. We now have Grade 2/3 and Prep-1WY in their new classrooms and the Prep-1J class will be in there tomorrow. They have settled in well, enjoying their new spaces. A huge thank you to every staff member for all the extra time and effort put into the move. In particular Mr Rogers as he is there every day helping with the larger items and to Miss Jacobson’s mum for helping on Monday. Tomorrow will be another very busy day as we have Ms Fearn and Mr Hay spending the day moving their classrooms. The painters are doing a fantastic job updating the classrooms by painting over all the dark brown panelling from the 70's. They are looking lovely and fresh and clean for the new classes. While the classrooms settle in the workers continue to be busy around the outside finishing off all areas. Yesterday we saw the steps to the playground get started and the base for the artificial turf court yard area at the back of the building go down. We are just waiting on the railings and the stair edges to be done and then the ramp and steps will be open.
This week and next are also extra busy times with amazing excursions for different classes. The Prep/1's and 2/3's each have an excursion to the gymnastics centre, the 3/4, 4/5 and 5/6 are taking part in a Cricket Challenge at Tynwald Park and the 4/5 and 5/6 went in to the Female factory and the Penitentiary. So many different learning opportunities being offered.
Next week is our last week of the term, how quickly term one has gone. Wednesday is the last day for students as teachers are taking part in a moderation day on Thursday. We will spend the morning at New Norfolk Primary and back on site in the afternoon. Wishing everyone a happy and safe holiday break and looking forward to the start of term 2 on Wednesday 21st April.

It is wonderful to visit all the settled classrooms this term. It is also great to have our library back in its original home. Thanks to Keema and all her helpers for setting up the space so brilliantly. On Monday we saw our first classes in the warm, welcoming space. We are looking forward to sharing this space with everyone next Thursday at our open morning.

Last Thursday March 18th, Miss Gourlay, Mrs Rime and Ms Fearn boarded the bus with some of Molesworth Primary Schools finest Athletes to compete in the Division D SPSSA Interschool Athletics Carnival at the Domain Athletics Centre! We were joined by 7 other primary schools, the sun was out, the track and fields were dry - it was perfect conditions for some great competition!
As always, the students who represented Molesworth Primary did so with pride and determination. All of our students encouraged each other and tried their very best, which was amazing to see! Well done team!
We would like to thank the school community for coming along, following the COVID guidelines and cheering on our students and to Mrs Peta Jelkic and Ms Tamara Hill for volunteering as officials for our school!

Congratulations to the following students who are invited to attend the SPSSA Champions Carnival with Miss Gourlay on Tuesday 30th March: Hamish, Alona, Kyeshia, Addison, Palasa, Ziva, Lily, Holly, Ria, Haley, Lana, Ashley, Freya, Charlotte and Maia. Good luck to you all!!
Term Dates 2021:
Term 3: Tuesday 20 July 2021 to Friday 24 September 2021
Term 4: Monday 11 October 2021 to Thursday 16 December 2021
Student Free Days 2021:
Student Free Day 3: Friday 22 October 2021
Thursday 16 |
Wednesday 9 |
School Photos this year will be taken on THURSDAY 22 APRIL. Envelopes will be sent home shortly. Every child must bring their own photo envelope back to school, even if payment is included in any siblings envelope. Please DO NOT place envelopes inside one another. Photos are taken on a pre-paid basis. Please put CORRECT money in the photo envelope as no change can be given by the photographer or school. Please note - cash and cheque, VISA and Mastercard are accepted.
The first whistle has been blown for the start of the 2021 AFL season! Over the last couple of weeks, Molesworth Primary has had the pleasure of having Fin and Hollie visit our PE lessons from AFL Tasmania’s North Melbourne Football Club Next Generation School Program. We have been focusing on developing our AFL skills through playing many new activities and games! We practised, our throwing, catching, marking, partner work, communication, kicking, hand balling and ball movement. We played ‘AFL salad’, ‘footy tag’ and ‘rob the footies’. The next time you see a Molesworth student you should ask them about these new games or show you their fantastic handballing, marking and kicking skills!
Thank you to Fin and Hollie from AFL Tasmania’s North Melbourne Football Club Next Generation School Program for visiting us and passing on their knowledge and skills!