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- STAFF FOR 2020
Welcome everyone to another fantastic year at Molesworth Primary. As I have visited each class in the past week it has been wonderful to see all students engaged in their learning, settled in their new classes and catching up with old and making new friends. We are all looking forward to another great year.
Kind regards.In accordance with our Sunsmart Policy, hats will be required to be worn while playing outside during Terms 1 & 4. Sunscreen and sunglasses are also advised. School hats are available from the Uniform Store or the School Office and are priced at $12 each. Children who are not wearing a hat will need to sit in our shaded area.
Student Validation forms have been sent home with each child for parents to complete. These forms are very important as they contain all emergency contact information including important permissions. Please make sure these are completed and returned to the School Office NO LATER than Friday 13 March.
School Bus Information Sheets have been sent home. Due to an increasing demand on our bus service it is important that our information is as up to date as possible. Please take a moment to complete this form showing when and what bus your chil/children will be travelling on and return to the school as soon as possible.
Major Excursion Consent Medical Information Form-Off Campus Excursions; ICT Resources Acceptable Use Agreement for Primary Students and Families (Yrs 4 - 6 only); Aquatic Consent (Yrs 3 – 6 only); Medical Alert Information Forms; and School Photo Enveloples and Information will be send home in the next few days. Please complete these forms and return to school as soon as possible.
School Photos have been rescheduled for Term 4 on Wednesday 18 November. All photo envelopes have been forwarded on to Mr Michael Webb at Pied Piper Portraits. If you have any queries regarding your order, or you wish to now put an order through please call them on 6228 6878.
School Levies: Thank you to those parents who have paid levies, however, we still have a few outstanding. If you are experiencing difficulties in paying levies, please contact the school office.
MPS ATHLETIC CARNIVAL: For years 3-6 will be held on Friday 6 March.
SPSSA Athletic Carnival: The Southern Primary School Sports Association Athletics Carnival will be held at the Domain Athletic Centre on Thursday 14 March. Molesworth Primary School is in ‘E' Division. The Champions’ Carnival will be held on Tuesday 2 April.
Fruit or Vegetables First: As part of our Eat Well, Move Well initiative we are promoting eating fruit or vegetables first at morning tea and then choosing another item from lunch boxes if children are still hungry.
Uniform Store: Any families with any queries in regards to school uniform, please contact the School Office on 6261 2091
Student Banking: The school banking program will commence on Thursday 20 February for 2020. This is a fun way for students to develop financial skills and give them a head start in money matters.

Pre-Kinder: Commences on Thursday 27 February from 1:15 pm - 2:30 pm. A semi-structured program for 3-4 year olds who will be attending Kinder in 2020. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Playgroup will commence on Friday 28 February. This is a program for Birth to 4 year olds and their parents each Friday from 8:45 am - 10:15 am in the Kindergarten classroom. This is an informal session for parents/carers and an opportunity for children to play and make friends while learning. Enrolment forms for both sessions are available from the school office.
Our Specialist Teachers this year are:
Music: Mr David Hay (Monday)
Dance and Drama: Miss Kathryn Gourlay (Wednesday)
Physical Education: Miss Kathryn Gourlay (Thursday)
Our Teacher Assistants this year are:
Library/Teacher Assistant: Mrs Keema Browning (Monday - Friday)
Teacher Assistant: Ms Jeanette Bennett (Tuesday - Thursday)
Teacher Assistant: Mrs Stacey Hills (Monday - Friday)
Teacher Assistant Mrs Patricia MacGregor (Monday - Friday)
Our Support Staff for this year are:
School Psychologist: Aleisha Howlett
Speech Therapist: Karen Lucas
Social Worker: Helen Barrett (on call)
Our Office Staff / School Attendant for this year are:
School Business Manager: Mrs Telisa Baker (Monday - Friday)
School Admin Clerk: Mrs Anita Dillon (Monday - Friday)
School Attendant: Mr Rodney Brown (Monday - Friday)
Molesworth Environment Centre:
Centre Coordinator: Mr Peter Felmingham
Centre Attendant: Mrs Patricia MacGregor
We SAY and SHARE online.
We MAKE and DO online.
We WATCH and EXPLORE online.
Tuesday 11th February was Safer Internet Day.
As part of this initiative the government have produced many resources to support safer online use for children. Young children are online before we know it. They are playing with connected toys, tapping and swiping touch screens, choosing programs to watch on streaming services, video calling family and friends, playing games and sharing photos and video. Being online has many benefits including opportunities to explore their creativity, improve their language skills, solve problems, think critically and build relationships. The eSafety commission have produced a booklet called Early Years – Online Safety for under 5s. Within this booklet there is Key advice to support parents and carers to protect their children when they go online.
An example from the booklet:
Parents, carers and educators have told us they want to know how to talk about online safety without focusing on all the bad things that can happen. The eSafety Early Years initiative encourages them to share four simple messages, to help children develop online safety awareness and habits they can take to school and beyond.
Be safe
Help children understand the connected world and how they can protect their personal information.
Be kind
Show children how to be kind and respectful online and model good habits around device use and online sharing.
Ask for help
Teach children to ask for help and let them know they can come to you with any issue.
Make good choices
Help children to think critically about the content they watch and how they spend their time online.
The booklet is available to download from:
The guide covers key online safety issues for children from birth to 5 and includes a range of practical tips and advice on how to support and guide them to be safe online. By talking to your child about online safety now you lay the foundations for safer online experiences as they grow older.
Term Dates 2020:
Term 1: Wednesday 5 February 2020 to Thursday 9 April 2020
Term 2: Monday 27 April 2020 to Friday 3 July 2020
Term 3: Tuesday 20 July 2020 to Friday 25 September 2020
Term 4: Monday 12 October 2020 to Thursday 17 December 2020
Student Free Days 2020:
Moderation Day: Thursday 9 April 2020
Student Free Day 1: Tuesday 4 February 2020
Student Free Day 2: Monday 20 July 2020
Student Free Day 3: Friday 23 October 2020
Thursday 20 |
Thursday 27 |
Friday 28 |
Friday 6 |
Monday 9 |
Friday 13 |
Thursday 26 |
Contact Details
540 Molesworth Rd, Molesworth, Tas 7140 Phone 03 6261 2091
Email Web