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I would like to wish everyone a wonderful break with their children. We look forward to seeing everyone back on Tuesday 20th July as Monday is a student free day.
Growing Up Program
From Wednesday to Friday of the first week we have the growing up program here at school, which is run by Family Planning Tasmania. On the Tuesday from 8:45 am until 9:15 am there will be a parent session in the Library where they will go through the program your children will be receiving. All parents are invited to attend.
Mini Olympics
Thanks to all the parents who attended our Mini Olympics today. A fun time was had by all involved. A big thankyou to Miss Gourlay for all the organising and practice sessions prior to today and the running of the program. Thanks also to Anthony Edwards for sharing his experiences and inspiring words about the Olympic spirit. All students can be very proud of their attitude and effort throughout the session. We would also like to say a huge thank you to "I've Bean Everywhere Van" who supplied hot drinks and treats to warm us all on such a cold day.
5 Cent Challenge
As you are all very aware there have been lots and lots of 5 cent pieces coming into our school. The results are rather amazing. We will announce the results tomorrow and all classes will receive an icy-pole for their amazing collecting and the class who collected the most will have a choice of what ice-cream they would like. I know the Children’s Ward at the RHH will be very appreciative of the $350 donation.
Icy Pole Day
There will be no ice creams or icy poles sold on Friday.
Why did our students wear bibs during PE?
Because they were all dribbling, in our basketball unit of course!
Our focus during the end of the term in PE was on basketball! On June 15th we were very lucky to have Danyon from Basketball Tasmania visit us. We practised many skills including, dribbling, passing, cooperation, shooting, footwork, our reaction skills and eye tracking. To finish the term, on Friday July 2nd we have Taya from Basketball Tasmania visiting us and we cannot wait to practise our skills and learn some new games!
Yesterday, our Year 4/5 students travelled to Moonah Sports Stadium to participate in Wheelchair Basketball and other para sports as part of our focus in health and physical education around inclusivity. Our students had a lot of fun participating in the different activities and found some of them very challenging! The session was run in collaboration with Kevin, Richard and Jo from Physical disABILITY sports Tasmania and we thank them for this amazing opportunity for our students.

The day started with a light breeze and ice under our feet as we waited for the sun to rise above Mount Faulkner. If you listened carefully you could hear the sounds of nearby sheep in fields and birds rustling in the trees. Popcorn was plodding along near the gate. Staff and students began arriving at school. Today was no ordinary day at Molesworth Primary. As the clock drew closer to 10.45am there was a change in the atmosphere, something huge was about to happen. When the clock struck 11am, the moment we had all been waiting for, it was time to…
138 students from near and far came together earlier today to compete as Team Japan, Team Australia, Team Greece and Team France at Molesworth Primary’s first official Mini Olympics! All teams participated in rhythmic gymnastics, guided running, jumbo ball hockey and mobile basketball. These games focused on 4 key values; participating, team support, doing your best and having fun. It was joyous to see the teams coming together, competing, showing encouragement and teamwork and participating in a whole school dance!
We would like to pass on many thanks to Anthony Edwards for sharing his thoughts and experiences on the Olympic Spirit, and handed out special pins to those students who were exhibiting the Olympic spirit! We also wish to say thank you to our school community who came along to support and cheer on our teams!

Thursday 16 |
Wednesday 9 |