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I would like to wish all our families a safe and enjoyable 2 week break. It is lovely to see the sun out more and I hope you find time to do things you love with your children as they don’t have to get up and get ready for school. See everyone back on Monday 11th October.
Next term is going to be a very busy term with swimming for the grade 3 -5 students in weeks 4 and 5, another great MEC excursion for every class and lots of other exciting events as the year comes to an end. Please keep checking our calendar on our website and the fortnightly newsletters as these are updated very regularly. Also keep a check on your child’s seesaw as this is often where teachers send out notes specific to their class.
Molesworth Primary School (
This past couple of weeks Grade 3/4 have been studying a unit on sustainability and waste. Check out their item in this newsletter as they have found out lots of fascinating facts and are letting us know what we can do to look after this planet for their generation and many more to come.
Next term is hats for everyone so please find your child’s hat or there are always plenty for sale through the office for $8.00 each.
As we finish the week the Kinders are getting excited about their pizzas and sock dance tomorrow and the Prep to Grade 6 classes on Friday. Thanks to the School Association for the organisation of the pizza slices and to SRC for the sock dance. Looking forward to seeing everyone in their crazy socks over the next 2 days.
Grade 3-4 has been investigating the impact and uses for our waste. We have made posters to raise awareness of the issues waste and particularly plastic waste causes to share with everyone.
As part of our learning on Friday last week we conducted an audit of our class waste. This built upon what we had learned on our Sustainability Studies excursion with the Environment Centre a week before. We did this to see what we throw away each week and if there were any particular items that we might be able to limit our use of to reduce our environmental impact. The biggest offender was one-use plastic bags and packets, 145 of them by lunchtime on Friday!
3-4 has now declared war on plastic packets at Molesworth Primary and are working on posters to share ideas with the rest of the school for how we can all limit their use and suggest alternatives that are more environmentally friendly, more cost effective and/or better for us. Keep an eye out for more posters and please have a look at the ones we have made so far.

Riley and Luke, the coaches who visited Molesworth for our soccer unit earlier this term are back in Term 4! They will be running an afterschool program that will be running every Monday of Term 4 from 2:40 pm-3:40 pm on our school oval.
Students wanting to participate in this program will need to enrol. Here is the link to Strike Soccer’s website: Students will receive an additional information flyer today in PE to bring home with them!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Luke and Riley head coaches.
Why can’t you get lost at Molesworth? Because all our students at Molesworth will be able to point you in the right direction!
We have finished the term in PE with a focus on Orienteering! Orienteering requires navigational skills using a map, sometimes with the assistance of a compass, navigating on a vast range of terrain whilst moving at speed!
Last week we had a visit from Joseph, an Orienteering Coach from Orienteering Tasmania. Joseph brought along with him electronic orienteering equipment which we have never used here at Molesworth! The students were most intrigued!
We developed our skills throughout the lessons, learning how to use the north directional lines on our maps, how to use the electronic control tags and we put all our skills to the test in some orienteering courses around our school grounds!
Here are some thoughts from our students:
- Ashley – I enjoyed getting to find and scan all the different flags
- Aiden – I liked running around
- Joseph – I enjoyed scanning the cards
- Seth – I liked working out where each flag was
- Nate – Scanning the cards at each flag was fun
- Laurie - I liked how we got to direct ourselves around to the different places in the school
- Freya – I liked looking at all the different maps
We would like to pass on a big thank you to Orienteering Tasmania and Joseph for coming out to Molesworth and running his sessions with us!
There are a lot of permanent courses around Tasmania and lots of events throughout the year. If you would like more information about Orienteering, I suggest checking out the Orienteering website as it has a lot of great information:

Term Dates 2025:
Term 1: Thursday 6th February to Friday 11th April 2025
Term 2: Monday 28th April to Friday 4th July 2025
Term 3: Monday 21st July to Friday 26th September 2025
Term 4: Monday 13th October to Thursday 18th December 2025
Student Free Days:
Term 2: Friday 6th June 2025 (Moderation Day)
Term 4: Friday 24th October 2025 (Professional Learning)
Thursday 16 |
Wednesday 9 |
Term Dates 2021:
Term 3: Tuesday 20 July 2021 to Friday 24 September 2021
Term 4: Monday 11 October 2021 to Thursday 16 December 2021
Student Free Days 2021:
Student Free Day 3: Friday 22 October 2021