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Another fantastic start to the year at Molesworth. As I have visited classrooms in the past 3 weeks I have witnessed all the varied and engaging learning offered by all here:
- The Kinders have been learning one another’s names and their likes and interests, the preps have been focussing on new routines and early letter patterns,
- The grade 1/2 class were busy inquiring during investigation sessions,
- The 2/3 class participating in a paired writing session,
- The 3/4 class creating their first art piece around Ned Kelly and the use of water colours,
- The 4/5 class were creating sizzling starts for their writing and
- The 5/6 class were deepening their coding and programming skills through Grok Learning and today start their first robotic session with Bob Elliott.

This morning so many students were excited to be having dance, which is a new program offered this year by Kathryn Gourlay. Each Tuesday and Wednesday I enjoy lunch with our new Kinders who are always excited about sharing their learning with me. The new slide has definitely been a very welcome addition to the playground.
If you have not yet checked out our whole school display board it is definitely worth a look. Our students are so caring, considerate and thoughtful as they fully live by our school values.
As I’m sure you are all aware the end of the day pick up time is a very busy time of the day. A couple of reminders to make sure all students safely arrive home each day.
- Deb’s bus enters the turning circle just before bell time and leaves with our first run students within 5 – 10 minutes of the bell. It is essential Deb has safe access to enter and leave the school. If you are collecting your child from the turning circle please do not enter until Deb’s bus has arrived.
- The road out the front can get very busy both ways so please do not pull up and wait on the road, if the turning circle is full you can continue along to the oval and wait a few minutes there.
- When collecting your children from the turning circle please pull all the way around so other cars fit in behind you, rather than stopping at the brick path. There are always teachers out the front to make sure children safely move around to be collected.
- The loading zone and disabled parking bay is for exactly that. We currently have a parent who needs to use that space each day so please do not pull in to that space to wait.
Thanks very much to everyone for supporting the safe movement of everyone around our school.
Kind regards.
Last week was our first week of Morning Fitness for 2020! There were lots of smiles all around as our students were participating in physical activity. We would like to congratulate all of the Year 6 Morning Fitness leaders on their brilliant job during their first week. Here are some thoughts from students from each of the four different morning fitness groups:
Blue Group – Dance and fitness videos
- I enjoyed the dinosaur stomp – Hugh
- I enjoyed the house dance and dinosaur stomp – Harrison
- The blue group listened well and they tried their best. Dinosaur stomp was very popular – Blue Group Leaders
Red group – games on the oval
- I liked playing tag and chasing the leaders – Heidi
- The leaders made the teams fair what was great. We played tail tag. The leaders are very fast! – Hamish
- I enjoyed playing the tail tag game. The leaders were really nice – Sonny
- Red group listened well. They enjoyed playing tail tag and chase the leader was popular – Red Group Leaders
Orange – games on the basketball court
- I enjoyed playing birds nests with the bean bags – Arabella
- I enjoyed playing pacman. The leaders were really helpful – Kyeshia
- Orange group listened well and were enthusiastic about playing pacman and crocodile – Orange Group Leaders
Green group – skipping and circuits
- I like doing the circuit to the music – Alexia
- I enjoyed all of the activities in skipping. You get to learn to skip and even criss cross – Callie
- Green group enjoyed the skipping – Green Group Leaders
On Tuesday 18 February the sun was out and it was a perfect day for some athletics! We had the pleasure of having Josh Mason, the development officer from Tasmanian Little Athletics visit our school to run athletic based skills and games with us. We practised our throwing, jumping, shotput and vortex throws as well as our shuttle and circular relays. We thank little athletics for this great opportunity for our students to further develop their athletics skills and learn some new skills in preparation for our Year 3-6 Athletics Carnival on Friday 6 March 2020 at 12:00pm A Coffee Van will be in attendance on the day for those that wish to purchase coffee and/or cake and also our School Assocation will be running the sausage sizzle as well.

Kinder Unicorns have been very busy settling into school life at Molesworth Primary. Children have enjoyed making new friends, and developing their own identities. The success of how quickly children have settled is a credit to all children and their families. It is exciting to see children bouncing in the door of a morning, ready to explore classroom activities - happy to start the day and say their farewells to family.
Children have begun to develop friendships with others. Learning the names of their classmates and using them during class discussion times is a major accomplishment. Sharing and taking turns is also a huge step for our kinder children and it is wonderful to see children developing these skills daily.
Kinder Unicorns have especially enjoyed exploring our playground. Digging, cooking, bike riding and building are some of our favourite activities. The addition of our slide has created much excitement and joy. It is a delight to see the children hard at work outside and the innovative way they are using their play space. I am constantly in admiration at how creative and innovative our children are!
Kinder life is always very busy with children learning through doing. It is through play we learn and reinforce new skills. It is through play we develop a sense of who we are. Our days are filled with fun and action packed. Our learning is endless. No wonder our children arrive home exhausted!

What a fantastic start to dance this year! We began the year expressing ourselves through different movements, engaging in many different dance games and activities. Most classes have now been very busy practicing the Nutbush.
Last week we talked about the many different styles of dance. This saw the upper primary classes choreograph their own 20 second ‘tutting’ dance routine and present this to their class as their audience! It is so wonderful to see many students stepping outside of their comfort zones and enjoying their time in this learning area.

Year 5-6 will be visiting Tasmanian Parliament House and The A-LAB as part of their focus in the areas of HASS, Science and Technology this term.
Students will need to wear full school uniform on the day and bring a packed lunch and drink. Please be aware that all bags will be security scanned and will be placed in a cloakroom for the duration of our visit on entry to Parliament House. Please make sure any sharp objects (scissors etc) are not in your child’s bag on the day. Students are not permitted to bring any electronic devices or cameras.
Students will travel to Parliament House by bus, will have lunch on Parliament lawns and will then walk across to the A-Lab in Elizabeth Street and will return by bus to school by 2:30 pm.
Permission slips have been send home and should have already been returned to school to allow students to participate in this excursion.
As our children become more savvy with technology it is very important as parents and educators that we are also aware of just what is available online. The eSafety commission have an excellent site to support students and families to keep everyone safe online. This week they have published a link to the eSafety guide which helps parents, carers and educators stay ahead of the latest games, apps and social media, including how to stay safe and how to report inappropriate content. It is definitely worth taking time to look through the guide.
It has been a wonderful start in 2/3 Jacobson and students have kicked off the new school year by creating their own positive goals they aim on reaching by the end of the term. Here are some of them:
I am going to achieve my reading level because I am already reading chapters – Charlotte
I am going to try and focus on finishing my school work – Amber
I am going have a go at spelling more difficult words – Freya
I want to get better at reading and this term I am going to start reading chapter books – Laurie
I am going to focus on getting better at my reading – Jack
I will try and get better when writing by spelling words correctly – Dennis
My goal is to get better at writing so I can write faster – Ryder
I am going to improve my writing by learning to write more – Alex
I am going to improve my writing by writing heaps – Abbie
This term I am going to try to have neat writing and colouring in – Jack
I am going to easily read at a level 20 this term – Maia
This term I want to learn more about technology – Mitchell
My goal for this term is to learn longer words by reading books – Bailee
I am going to achieve my goal of making my art work look good – Haley
I want to become a better reader by saying all the sounds in hard words – Axton
My goal for this term is trying to type faster on the computer – Ashley
I am going to focus on my writing by practising my handwriting – Aiden
I am going to get better at maths by learning lots of addition and subtraction – Seth
I am going to get better at writing so I make books for people – Holly
I’mgoing to focus on maths so I can get better at solving sums – Lachlan
I’m going to try to spell words that I know how to spell by myself before going to the teacher – Palasa
I am going to achieve my goal of finishing every piece of work I start – Addison
I want to improve my handwriting - Alex
This term I am going to make sure I have capital letters at the start and full stops at the end of my writing - Braiden
School Levies: Thank you to those parents who have paid levies, however, we still have a few outstanding. If you are experiencing difficulties in paying levies, please contact the school office.
MPS ATHLETIC CARNIVAL: For years 3-6 will be held on Friday 6 March. A friendly reminder that the Que Sera Sera Coffee Van will be here from 12:00 noon until 2:30 pm.
SPSSA Athletic Carnival: The Southern Primary School Sports Association Athletics Carnival will be held at the Domain Athletic Centre on Friday 13 March. Molesworth Primary School is in ‘D' Division. The Champions’ Carnival will be held on Tuesday 2 April.
Fruit or Vegetables First: As part of our Eat Well, Move Well initiative we are promoting eating fruit or vegetables first at morning tea and then choosing another item from lunch boxes if children are still hungry.
Uniform Store: Any families with any queries in regards to school uniform, please contact the School Office on 6261 2091
Thursday 24 |
Friday 25 |
WEEK 1 & 2 | |
Monday 12 |
Thursday 15 |
Thursday 22 |
Friday 23 |
WEEK 3 & 4 |
Monday 26 November - Friday 6 November |
Wednesday 28 |
Thursday 29 |
Friday 30 |
Tuesday 3 |
Thursday 5 |
Friday 6 |
WEEK 5-6 | |
Tuesday 10 |
Wednesday 11 |
Wednesday 18 |
WEEK 7 & 8 |
Wednesday 25 |
Thursday 26 |
Wednesday 2 |
Thursday 3 |
WEEK 9 & 10 | |
Thursday 10 |
Monday 14 |
Wednesday 16 |
School Photos this year will be taken on THURSDAY 26 MARCH. Every child must bring their own photo envelope back to school NO LATER THAN MONDAY 23 MARCH, even if payment is included in any siblings envelope. Please DO NOT place envelopes inside one another. Photos are taken on a pre-paid basis. Please put CORRECT money in the photo envelope as no change can be given by the photographer or school. Please note - cash and cheque, VISA and Mastercard are accepted.
Family Discount ON ‘B’ PACK ONLY: Families with 3 or more students at this school pay for only 2 “B” packs, third and subsequent “B” packs are free of charge. Family Photo envelopes are available from the school office. Our Photographer has advised that there will be a $15 postage and handling fee for ALL late orders and late orders must be sent to the studio. Money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with your photos within 14 days of purchase.