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Our final Newsletter for 2021.
What a busy year Molesworth students have had and yesterday was such a lovely day being a part of both the Kinder and Prep to 6 celebration assemblies. Thank you to all families who were able to make it to either celebration yesterday as I know the children love to see their families attending and watching their performances. A very big thank you to Mr Hay for the organisation and all the extra practises for our three very different and entertaining performances.
Yesterday was also time to celebrate our amazing Grade 6 leavers. Congratulations to all award recipients and thank you to all our sponsors who make these possible. We finished the assembly with the Grade 6 leavers song, which always brings with it a few tears, and not just from the Grade 6 students.
I would like to thank our Grade 6 students for their contribution to our school in the years they have been here and wish them all the very best for the next stage in their learning. I know each and everyone of them will take on all that High School offers with an open mind and a positive outlook ready to continue their learning. Tomorrow we have our special morning tea and graduation ceremony for the Grade 6 students and their invited guests at 11:30 am in the hall. I suspect there might be a few more tears then.
As a celebration for the whole school we are running the colour run again this year from 1:30 pm. Parents are welcome to come and watch from the edge of the oval but please do not come down on to the oval where the children are and the obstacle course is. A friendly reminder to parents wanting to take photos please do not take photos of other students and post to social media without their parents’ permission.
This morning all students visited their classes for 2022. This afternoon you will receive your child’s report and in with it is a note about which class they are in, who their teacher is and something they are looking forward to in 2022. It was such a pleasure reading each student’s report and I am sure all parents will be very proud of their child’s achievements.
Next year we have a Kinder/ Prep with Mrs McCausland, Prep/1 with Miss Jeffery, 2/3 with Miss Jacobson, 3/4 with Mr Hay, 4/5 with Mrs Young and Mrs Moores and 5/6 with Mrs Rime. Miss Gourlay will continue with PE and Drama and will also take on IT/Technology. Mr Hay will also continue with Music. Yesterday we farewelled our staff that are moving on to the next stage in their career. Mrs Wiseman is off to Bellerive Primary, Ms Fearn is going to Friends and Mrs Hills is off to New Norfolk High. We wish them all the very best and will miss having them as part of our school. For next year we welcome Mrs Anita Button, who is our new AST, Quality Teaching Coach, and will also be on Prep (Kinder/Prep) on Monday and Friday and Grade 3/4 the day Mr Hay does Music. Mrs Button is looking forward to coming here next year and I know everyone will make her feel very welcome.
I would like to thank all our community of another great year and wish everyone a safe and relaxing holiday. Enjoy your families and we will see everyone back on the 9th February 2022. For enquiries or uniform purchases our Office Staff will be back on deck on 25th January.
We have been very fortunate in Music that Christmas came early and we were able to get our new drums before next year. If you were able to come to our End of Year Assembly you would have heard them in action. Our new drums are called Djembes, they are a traditional African style of hand drum that you play by holding them between your knees. They are rather loud but great fun to play as you can make a range of high and low sounds with them. You do this based on how you hit the head of the drum with your hand, either in the middle for a low bass tone, or across the edge for higher pitched tones. You can even get combinations of the two. I’m looking forward to some sunny days next year when we can get outside and enjoy playing them in our drum circles again.
Have a great holiday and see you next year in Music.
Hello everyone,
Grade 3-4 has taken the time to reflect back on the lots of experiences, learning, memories, highlights and challenges from 2021. Once we started we were amazed of how many things we got up to this year with Mrs Moores and Mr Hay.
I’ve enjoyed drawing in class - Jett
I’ve enjoyed writing really descriptive stories – Ziva
I’ve enjoyed having MyTime in class for finishing all my work – Aiden
I’ve enjoyed the athletics and swimming carnivals – Ashley
I’ve enjoyed doing Art – Jack R
I’ve tried my hardest at my work – Joseph
I really liked story writing – Alex
I enjoyed drawing cars – Nathaniel and Riley
I really liked Learn to Swim – Mayson
I’ve enjoyed doing Art and Craft – Ella
I’ve enjoyed sharing my work with younger classes – Heidi
I’ve enjoyed writing and Art - Abbie
I’ve enjoyed playing Basketball with the teachers – Braiden
I remember a photo of Ryder that Mr Hay took that looked like Ryder was flying. – Brontee
I’ve enjoyed the championship cross country – Haley
I liked playing The Voyage game (First Fleet History) – Henry
I’ve enjoyed running and swimming, all sports and PE – Jack S
Our science experiments were great fun - Bailee
I’ve enjoyed learning about the “War on Waste” – Freya
I’ve enjoyed maths and writing – Charlotte
I’ve enjoyed writing our convict stories – Maia
If you love bowling, then this article is right up your alley!
On Monday November 22nd, 19 groups of P/1 and 5/6 buddies hopped on the bus and travelled into Moonah to get the ball rolling on their Zone Bowling excursion. We met Kathy, a bowling coach who showed us some different bowling techniques. We also saw one bowler who bowled with a two-handed technique! Kathy spoke to us about what bowling balls and pins are made of and had a ball and pin cut in half for us to see the inside. It was very fascinating! We spent the day putting our skills of Tenpin Bowling to the test with our buddies, trying to knock down as many pins as we could, it was so much fun!
Here are some of our younger buddies’ reflections:
Ella – On Monday we went bowling, it was very, very fun. I wish that we could go bowling again. When I was bowling I got the highest score out of all of the kids that were playing but even though I only got 1 strike and 2 spares.
Scarlett – We went Zone Bowling. First I missed the pins. I hit the pins into the gutter.
Emillia – On Monday we went to Zone Bowling. It wasn’t fun at the start for me, but every time I rolled the ball it felt more fun. On my 3rd go, I got a spare. We all had special shoes to wear so we wouldn’t wreck the floor.
Olive – On our excursion to Zone Bowling we had to wear slippery shoes to bowl. You got to have two turns.
Kayden – We went to Zone Bowling and you had to step on the black line to roll the bowling ball.
Oscar – We went to Zone Bowling and we knocked over some pins. We had the gutters on.
Finn – On Monday the 22/11/2021, our class and our 5/6 buddies went to Zone Bowling for an excursion, it was fun. We had bumpers and some people were using the slides but I wasn’t. The last time I went I was five. I was much better than last time.
Tess – We went to Zone Bowling. I knocked two pins. I got to have three turns at the end.
Chelsea – Yesterday we went bowling. It was soooooooooooooo fun. I kept getting spares.
Silas – We went to Zone Bowling in Moonah on an excursion with our Grade 5/6 buddies. I used a blue ball, but I didn’t roll any strikes, not even a spare, but I got lots of 7s and I had fun.
Macy – On our excursion we went to Zone Bowling. It was my third time on the bus. I learnt to keep my thumb at the front. If you throw it, the ball will bounce but if you keep your thumb at the front the ball will roll.
Amelia – On Monday we went on an excursion to Zone Bowling. You have to have a bumper for the gutters so then your ball doesn’t go in the gutters. It’s fun!
Emily – We went to bowling on a class excursion and the Grade 5/6s went to bowling too. Stephanie won. It was hard because the bowling ball was heavy and you had to use your fingers in the holes. It was fun.
Esther – On Monday we went on an outing. Kathy talked to us. It was fun. It was an excursion to go bowling. I got 5 skittles down in one go.
Isla – We went to bowling in Moonah with the Grade 5/6s. The ball was heavy. I used the little slide. It was fun. You need special shoes. My partner helped me.
Archie – At Zone Bowling I got 81 pins. We had a partner, my partners were Finn G and Hamish. I got a spare. A spare is when you hit some down and you hit the rest down.
Angel – I didn’t get a strike, but I was so close to getting one because I only had two pins left.
Henry – I liked it when I got a strike, I didn’t need two goes because I got it in one.

Take your marks, set, go, all of our students are off and racing!
What a fantastic day it was at the Kinder to Grade 6 Athletics Carnival. It was a sea of blue, red and green with our students representing their new house colours, blue gum, waratah and river mint!
We saw Molesworth kids sprinting down the track, testing their concentration and balance in the egg and spoon race, jumping kangaroos in the sack race, vortex and chickens being thrown high into the sky and our Kinders running with their favourite toys! What a day! It was so lovely seeing our students having a go at so many different events, supporting and cheering each other on and having fun.
It was great to see our lovely gazebos out again and our new house colour flags!
We would like to pass on our many thanks to our school community who came out on such a gorgeous day to cheer on our students, Mr Rogers for preparing the racetrack for everyone, the New Norfolk High helpers for assisting with ribbons and to everyone who helped out.

Picture this - you’re in the middle of the Hobart Domain Athletics Centre, the sun beaming down, the lovely, picturesque Kunanyi Mt Wellington in your sights and the only sound you hear is coming from our very own Molesworth Kids! How unreal would this be!
Well, on Thursday 2nd December our Motor Program Team visited the Hobart Domain Athletics Centre and what would usually be bustling with more than 1,000 students on an average SPSSA carnival day, just had 9 of our lovely students! An unreal experience to have the centre all to ourselves. We spent the morning practising the skills we have been focusing on in athletics. We were able to throw our vortex where athletes would throw javelins and we each had our very own lane on the track to practise our sprints and of course our 3-legged races!
Here is what we enjoyed the most:
Adam – I have never ran on the athletics track before and I loved it.
Axton – I loved going to the track.
Alex E – I liked running up to the line and then throwing the vortex.
Finn – I liked throwing the vortex and I liked the 3-legged race.
Cooper – The vortex throwing was fun! It was good to throw in the javelin area.
Sienna – I loved all of the activities. The 3-legged race was my favourite.
Claire – I enjoyed everything!
Dante – I liked throwing the vortex.
Darcy – The 3-legged race was fun because we got to go with other people in the group.

Riley and Luke, the Strike Soccer coaches who visited Molesworth for our soccer unit earlier in the year will be back running their afterschool program in 2022!
The afterschool program will be running every Monday of Term 1 from 2.40pm-3.40pm on our school oval. If you were a part of the program this year you are encouraged to come back again next year, and new soccer stars are more than welcome to join!
Please see flyer attached! Students wanting to participate in this program will need to enrol. Here is the link to Strike Soccer’s website:
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Luke and Riley head coaches. Students will receive an additional information flyer today to bring home with them.
In Term 2 the SRC ran the Wonder bread bags and bread tags recycling program that earned points to get new sports equipment for our school. With all of the collected bags and tags from our school community we were able to get some lovely new equipment!
We would like to thank our school community for their participation in this special program! Check out our SRC with our new lovely bright equipment!
On Tuesday 8th December, we had a special visit from Zane who is one of the coaches at Little Athletics Zane spent the day with all of our classes assisting us in preparation for our K-6 Athletics carnival.
He did some different warmups with us! Testing our jumping and running skills. The upper primary students did warmups that were similar to what athletes do at the Olympics.
We tried some fun new running activities and had a lot of fun.
We thank Little Athletics for visiting out school and for this great opportunity for our students to further develop their athletics skills and learn some new skills!

Term Dates 2025:
Term 1: Thursday 6th February to Friday 11th April 2025
Term 2: Monday 28th April to Friday 4th July 2025
Term 3: Monday 21st July to Friday 26th September 2025
Term 4: Monday 13th October to Thursday 18th December 2025
Student Free Days:
Term 2: Friday 6th June 2025 (Moderation Day)
Term 4: Friday 24th October 2025 (Professional Learning)
Thursday 16 |
Wednesday 9 |