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Welcome to 2022 to all returning and new families at Molesworth. Thank you very much to all family members who, when on site, are abiding by all health department requirements for school sites by wearing a mask, using the hand sanitiser, checking in and keeping visits to a minimum.
All classes have settled in well over the past week and it is wonderful to walk around and chat about the learning currently going on. All classes have begun using Seesaw again this year so check in to see what they have posted. If you are having issues with connecting to Seesaw please chat to your child’s class teacher and they will be able to help you.

Specialist classes began this week and this year our Kinder/Prep class also have music, PE and Dance classes. Lots of positive supportive comments from students after the first 2 days.
Lunch Orders through LiL Tuckers.
Lots of very happy students enjoying their lunch orders today. As the orders are done via the Qrk app we do not have copies of who has ordered. All orders come in their own paper bags with the student’s name on it. If there are any issues please contact LiL Tuckers direct.
Attached to the newsletter is the latest information on the DoE supply of RATs. If you have used your initial supply please contact the office for replacements. Thank you to families that have contacted the school when they are aware pf any possible close contacts and we will inform our school community if we have any positive cases recorded here.
As we begin the new year its essential that we make sure all our students are safe at Molesworth. During the holidays we had a significant size branch fall from one of the wattles along the side of the oval so we had an arborist assess them all and all of them needed to be felled for safety as they were of the age that they will continue to drop large branches. A very big thank you to Sid Ames for the assessment and the coordination of the felling today with Mrs MacGregor and Mr Rogers. We currently have, on our oval, a large amount of cut up tree trunks. If you would like some firewood please contact the School Office (and if you were to offer a kind donation that would be very much appreciated).
There are some students in our schools who will exhibit or display ongoing symptoms, (for example hay fever). In these circumstances parent/carers are asked to seek a medical review and provide a medical certificate to allow students to attend school. This information can be added to the student’s medical management plan.
If students have symptoms other than those covered in the medical certificate, or their symptoms change, or there are other COVID-19 related concerns for the child, the parent should administer a rapid antigen test (RAT) prior to sending their child to school that day. If the RAT is negative the student can attend school that day and would not be sent home due to COVID-like symptoms.
If throughout a school day the student’s condition changes and they exhibit symptoms as outlined in the medical management plan and medical certificate, the child can stay at school (assuming they are feeling okay) and the school should communicate the changes to the family and ask the family to administer a RAT prior to return the following day.
And we are off and racing in PE for 2022!
Last week all students participated in some modified Winter Olympic game activities, and now we change our focus to athletics! Lots of running, jumping and throwing skills will be developed, played and practised in preparation for our Year 3-6 Athletics Carnival. This will take place on Tuesday 8th March 2022. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions and following the directives from the Department of Education we are unable to have spectators come and gather on school site until Week 6. I appreciate that many members of our school community, when able to, come along and cheer and support our PE program. We will make sure to take a lot of photos so everyone will be able to see the fun we have at our first carnival for the year!
Last year we included house colours for the first time in our Term 4 Kinder-6 Athletics Carnival. Blue Gum, River Mint and Waratah! We will be including our house colours in our Year 3-6 Athletics Carnival too! Students are encouraged to wear an item/s of clothing in their house colour. Class teachers will remind students of their house colour and let our new students know what house they are in.
Below is the description of each colour and their special meaning for our school community:
Dear Families,
Levies are one of the many ways that families contribute to our school community. Levies support student learning by contributing towards the cost of essential items and services.
When setting school levies and charges the school:
- considers inclusive education, community expectations and family financial constraints
- sets levies at the lowest amount possible
- consults with the School Association of the school.
Families who are supported through the Student Assistance Scheme (STAS) do not need to pay levies. Parents holding a current Services Australia Health Care Card, Centrelink Health Care Card, Centrelink Low Income Health Care Card, Pensioner Concession Card, or a Department of Veterans Affairs Pensioner Concession Card are eligible for this assistance. Online applications are open for the 2022 school year via the online submission form If you prefer a paper-based application, you can request a form from the School Office. For any further assistance with regards to STAS applications, please contact the Department of Education’s Financial Services Unit at or by calling 1800 827 055.
Levies will be processed this week and will arrive early to mid-next week.
Levies include costs for items and services that are required to complete the normal educational instruction at the school. Levies include the cost of:
- Any items which are essential to completing the student’s core curriculum (e.g. essential stationery, textbooks, cooking ingredients, gardening supplies).
- Any services like excursions, performances and activities that are part of the curriculum (e.g. out-of-school excursions taken as part of a subject, in-school performances, guest speakers, class).
There are no compulsory payments you are required to make other than the annual levy. Stationery costs include all stationery supplied to all students through the Class Teacher.
How do I pay levies?
Levies can be paid:
- At the school (by EFTPOS, cash, or cheque)
- At Service Tasmania (by EFTPOS, cash, or cheque)
- Through BPAY (using the Biller Code and Reference on your invoice)
- By mail, forward your cheque, money order or credit card details to the school, with the payment slip from your invoice attached (payable to the Department of Education)
- Using Centrepay, a service provided by Centrelink.
Levies are paid in Term One each year or can be paid in instalments by contacting the School’s Business Manager, Mrs Telisa Baker, to set up a flexible payment plan (payment plans can continue through to the end of the school year). Payment plans are available for all families.
Who can I talk to about levies?
You are a valued member of our school community and we welcome your feedback on levies and charges at our school.
You can contact the School’s Business Manager, Mrs Telisa Baker if you have any questions or would like to talk about levies at our school. Personal information relating to levies will always be treated with total confidentiality.
The levies and charges we receive from families supports our school to deliver learning opportunities for all students. Thank you for your contribution.
Riley and Luke, the Strike Soccer coaches who visited Molesworth for our soccer unit last year and who ran the afterschool soccer program in Term 4 are back again for Term 1 2022!
The afterschool program will be running every Monday of Term 1 from 2:40pm-3:40pm on our school oval. New soccer stars are more than welcome to join! The program is very flexible, you can try for 1 session or all of them, it is up to you.
Please see flyer attached! Students wanting to participate in this program will need to enrol. Here is the link to Strike Soccer’s website:
If you have any questions, as this is external to our school please do not hesitate to contact Luke and Riley head coaches (contact details on flyer).