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Wow we are March already and almost the end of week 4 of the term. As the mornings start to get colder please make sure jumpers are clearly labelled with your child’s name. If it is one that has been given to you by another family please make sure their name is crossed out, so we get them back to the right owners. If you are needing a jumper there are plenty for sale through the School Office and we have a number of second hand ones for a gold coin donation.
This morning during a meeting with all schools we were informed of the latest updates for the rest of the term. The supports and requirements that are in place at the moment are to continue for the rest of the term. LiL continues to be on hold but please connect with the Child and Family Learning Centre in New Norfolk. Their March calendar is attached to this newsletter.
Mask wearing onsite is to continue and physical distancing and the restrictions of large gatherings are also continuing. As I am sure you are all aware there continues to be a number of positive cases in schools throughout the state. Be assured that if we have any positive cases directly connected to the school you will be notified. We currently have some families in isolation due to close contacts and thank them for communicating this information with the School Office Staff. If you have any concerns or questions please call the school and if any family members are positive it is essential you let the School Office know.
RATs – if you have used any of the RATs handed out please contact the School Office for replacements. Unfortunately, if anyone in your household has symptoms you are not able to come into School to collect them then so it’s important you always have a couple on hand.
Our Goals for this Year.

Next time you are onsite drop by our whole school display board and read what goal each student has set for themselves this year. We will check in with them throughout the year to see how they are going. Thanks to Keema for the amazing way they are displayed.
Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure Program.
This morning all our Kinder to Grade 2 students participated in the Diito presentation. Each child is bringing home an activity book to share. Please chat to your child about what was presented today and if you have any questions talk with your child’s teacher. For all the information about the program and lots more visit the Bravehearts website -
Our goal this term…
To cut down on our waste and try to get a recycling skip bin so we can send our paper cuttings and scraps to a better place other than land fill, which is where they go right now.
What we have found out…
Mr Rogers, our groundsman came into our classroom so we could ask him questions about what goes in our bins. It was mostly paper and scraps of cardboard. We also asked why Mr Rogers empties the rubbish into the skip bin and not into a recycling bin because it goes straight to land fill. It’s because we have not been able to get a recycling bin for our school. A tip for classrooms, use whiteboards more often and use reusable classroom resources instead of using so much paper that could be recycled but isn’t.
Our ideas so far…
Take home your rubbish.
Get a recycling bin for paper.
Recycle other objects (glass and plastic) at the recycling centre.
Ensure our rubbish does not blow away.
Pick up objects that are on the ground.
Don’t litter.
Educate our classes on what happens when the waste ends up in our environment.
Make sure our compost goes into the compost bin.
What the office said...
That they used ceramic mugs and cups. They buy sanitiser in bulk and fill up the little containers outside our classrooms. They also use cloth masks where possible.
Remember to keep the environment clean and think about what can happen before you let another bag fly away.
Alexia and Arabella.
Public Health has reviewed their advice about hay fever in the current COVID-19 environment.
Hay fever symptoms are similar to COVID-19 symptoms, so it’s important families know what they need to do if their child experiences hay fever symptoms.
If your child has hay fever symptoms, please keep them at home and test for COVID-19 using a rapid antigen test (RAT).
If your child tests negative on a RAT and symptoms continue, Public Health advises that you must do a second RAT 24 hours later, or seek a PCR test.
If the second RAT or PCR remains negative, this is sufficient evidence for your child to return to school if they feel well.
If symptoms change or increase in severity, please see your treating medical practitioner for review.
Please know that Public Health advice can change at short notice, and we appreciate your patience as we respond to these changes as quickly as possible.
If you have any questions, please contact the School Office. For more information, please visit the Tasmanian Government Coronavirus website or contact the Tasmanian Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738, or Department of Education COVID Support Hotline at or on 1800 816 057.
Welcome to Kinder/Prep 2022! Or as the class has chosen, ‘The Rock’n’Rollers’.
Children have been very busy settling into new routines and school life at Molesworth Primary. They are confidently entering the learning space and are quickly making new friends, developing their own identities and strengthening known friendships.
The success of how quickly children have settled is a credit to all children and their families. It is exciting to see children bouncing in the door of a morning, ready to explore classroom activities - happy to start the day and say their farewells to family.

Children have begun to develop friendships with others. Learning the names of their classmates and using them during class discussion times is a major accomplishment (as is reading them). Sharing and taking turns is also a huge step and it is wonderful to see children developing these skills daily. Our Prep children have been amazing role models and support to our younger classmates. It has been wonderful listening to supportive conversations lead by our older children, and seeing our older children take a lead in the classroom.
Rock’n’Rollers have especially enjoyed exploring our playground. Digging, cooking, bike riding and building are some of our favourite activities. Pinecone finding and collecting has also featured heavily. The number of things a pinecone can be used for is endless (as we are discovering!) It is a delight to see the children hard at work outside and the innovative way they are using their play space. I am constantly in admiration at how creative and innovative our children are!
School is very busy with children learning through doing. It is through play we learn and reinforce new skills. It is through play we develop a sense of who we are. Our days are filled with fun and are action packed. Our learning is endless. No wonder our children arrive home exhausted!

School photo day is now on Wednesday 19th October. Please find attached instructions on how to order photos for your children if wish to do so. It is an online process which requres an access key which is provided in the instructions. If you have any issues or questions please contact Pied Piper Portraits on 6228 6878.
PLEASE NOTE: If you placed your order earlier in the year, you don't need to do anything. All orders already placed are carried forward to October.
Term Dates 2025:
Term 1: Thursday 6th February to Friday 11th April 2025
Term 2: Monday 28th April to Friday 4th July 2025
Term 3: Monday 21st July to Friday 26th September 2025
Term 4: Monday 13th October to Thursday 18th December 2025
Student Free Days:
Term 2: Friday 6th June 2025 (Moderation Day)
Term 4: Friday 24th October 2025 (Professional Learning)