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Welcome everyone to Term 2. We started the term off with lovely weather but this week the chilly wintery mornings have set in. Please make sure your child has a jumper to wear each day and for outside, if they want, a jacket to put over the top as the rooms are warmer than outside. This week we had our first class go for their MEC excursion and over the next 2 weeks all of our classes will have their day. Mr Felmingham continues to be away with back issues and Mrs Breaden continues in the role of MEC teacher, doing an amazing job with Mrs MacGregor.
As was sent out at the end of last term Mrs Button has taken up a new position for the rest of the year, which she began last week. We advertised for a new teacher for us for the rest of the year and that position should be finalised by the beginning of week 4. Mrs Gilbert has been teaching the Preps on the Monday and Friday and will continue in that role until the position is finalised. Mrs Bush has been back with us on a Thursday in the grade 3/4 class while Mr Hay takes music. It is great to have Mrs Bush in the class as she knows the kids and knows our school. Mr Hay will be on long service leave for weeks 4, 5, 6 and 7 and Mrs Bush will be in the 3/4 class for that time as well. Mr Hay and Mrs Bush are planning together to make sure the learning is not interrupted during this time.
This week the Grade 3 and Grade 5 students have been busy completing the NAPLAN testing for this year. Tomorrow we have Maths as the last one. Any student who have been away we will make time for them to complete the tests either later this week or next week.
On May 24 – 26th we have the Growing Up program for all classes at Molesworth. Information was sent out last week about what each class will cover. If you would like to know more or have any questions you are more than welcome to attend the parent session on Tuesday 24th May from 8.30 am until 9.00 am in the hall. If you would like to attend this information session but are unable to attend we are hoping to organise a zoom link up. If interested please contact the office and we will send you the link.
LiL Tuckers lunch orders – This term we have the hot food added, which has been very popular. We have also been offered the second day. A poll was sent out last week via Schoolzine, if you have not yet completed the poll it is open until 3:00 pm tomorrow. Its very important we are supporting your voice and the more responses we have the better. If you cannot find the link please contact the office.
The Kinders were very excited when they returned this term to find a new piece of equipment in their playground. They now have 2 swings, which always have someone on them learning to use their legs to see how high they can get. The other playground changes we spoke about before the new build are back being discussed at the moment. If you have any ideas/thoughts about what your children would like to see added to our main playground please drop us an email or Seesaw message anytime or talk with your child’s teacher.

Hello everyone,
Term One was all about keeping the beat and rhythm. The older classes drummed their way through last term outside in the playground under the trees making the most of the warmer weather while the younger classes sang, moved and played to the beat together in the hall.
This term our focus will be on playing songs where small groups of students play different parts at the same time or are taking turns with their part while playing various musical instruments. We will use our voices, the xylophones, ukuleles and hand percussion instruments to do this while we learn some new songs and build on some old favourites. All that keeping the beat work will help us all know when to play and when to count the rests. Watch out for your child’s class sharing some of their music work later in the term through their class Seesaw accounts.
Mr Hay
This term, our Grade 5/6 class is learning what it means to be an active and informed citizen in Australia and the importance of having a voice so that what matters to us is heard. The children have started off the term by writing about important issues that personally affect them.
Some children have chosen to enter their work in the What Matters Competition this year. They could choose to write in a genre of their choice. Included below are some of these thought-provoking pieces to share, as well as some Emotion Poems that the children have written. In these poems, the children used the senses to add more description to their writing.
We hope you enjoy some examples of their work below.


City Everywhere
The feathers fall off my wings, onto the cold, dark pavement of the vast wide city.
City everywhere.
Not a single leaf fell onto the city ground, not for miles.
One and only one Amazon existed in and on this world.
City everywhere.
Nowhere on this world, nowhere I say, perhaps one place… BUT only one, has leaves.
This Amazon is cherished and worshiped for holding out against the humankind for so long.
Worshiped by all the animals that live there.
City everywhere.
Almost every thousand years a sacrifice has occurred.
The queen of the Amazon interacts with the sky god and will ask to accept this sacrifice…
City everywhere.
My duty is to become the sacrifice for this thousand years, the hope that I hope is that my next generation will live happy l lives.
For now.
City everywhere.
I, for I am the sacrifice, get to scan the horizon.
The horizon that you can no longer see.
The horizon covered with smog.
City everywhere.
This night, this one night I shall be the sacrifice.
Sitting on my perch.
My branch.
My home.
My nest.
City everywhere.
I am hung with my wings tied in case I had the urge to fly.
Died with no pain.
Plucked so the feathers fly to the gods.
The gods chose me.
City everywhere.
Not Lea.
Not Spotted.
City everywhere.
Hung on my branch.
Mine, I think.
I’m pretty sure.
Sure, the nests look A LOT alike, but I’m pretty sure I’m right.
I mean, it looks right.
City everywhere.
Thrown onto the fire on the tree.
The tree of the gods.
The tree of indestructability.
The fire that never spreads.
Tears are wept for my sake as I rise to the gods without permission.
And as I look over the Amazon, thousands of years later, I see an Amazon, an Amazon that fought off humankind.
Protected the Amazon.
Protected my home.
City in some places, for humankind gave the world its greenery.
Finally, the amazon animals came back, and the world was restored, life was restored.
As I always say, City everywhere, but that all changed.
YOU can make a difference in the real world, or this piece of writing shall be true in some ways.
That is not what I hope.
The world needs its life, so let it live.
By Ria
On ANZAC day three students went to represent Molesworth at the New Norfolk ANZAC Day March.
It was a fantastic experience. We would definitely do it again as it was such an honour to be part of the ceremony, remembering those who died for us.

This term we have the Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC) up and running for 2022. The PRC challenges students from Prep to Year 6 to make reading a fun part of their day and read 10 books in 10 weeks. Whilst reading 10 books means the student has completed the Challenge, they can read more.
This year, the challenge began on Monday 2 May and ends on Friday 8 July 2022. All students can access a reading log from their classroom teacher to bring back at the end of Term or when they have read 10 books. They are also encouraged to go on to the webpage and post a Book Review of a book that they enjoyed reading.
Students are free to choose which fiction or non-fiction books to read for the challenge. Large chapter books can be counted as more than one book – students need to talk to their teachers about how many chapters or pages can be counted as “one book”.
These websites may help students choose books to read:
Libraries Tasmania – Early Learning Online Resources
Good Reading Magazine – For kids
The Children’s Book Council of Australia Reading Time – children’s book reviews and news
Happy Reading.
Rest assured if you ever get lost at Molesworth Primary all of our students will be able point you in the right direction!
We have started PE in Term 2 with a focus on Orienteering! Orienteering requires navigational skills using a map, sometimes with the assistance of a compass, navigating on a vast range of terrain whilst moving at speed and reaching checkpoints! We have been lucky to have Mike Calder from Orienteering Tasmania come to Molesworth and share his knowledge and skills of Orienteering with us.
We were able to tap into some skills we learnt last year as well as learning and developing more! We played some orienteering races, discussed directions and navigation, practised our compass reading skills, matched orienteering symbols and pictures, used maps to navigate ourselves to get to checkpoints around our school and we also used electronic orienteering equipment!
Here are some thoughts from our students:
- Nate - We have been scanning the cards and running around the school. I enjoyed it.
- Marley - I liked matching the symbol cards.
- Joseph - Orienteering is the best! The best part about it is using the map and unlike some other sports if you get it wrong you get to try again. It’s good!
- Alexia - I like scanning the P cards. The beep sound is so school.
- Finn - I enjoyed running around finding the points on the map.
- Lola - I loved stepping on the stepping stones to match the cards.
- Ryder - I think Orienteering is really fun. It is a good chance to run around and mark things, you aren’t restricted to one area.
- Laurie - I liked how you get to run around the whole school and find checkpoints
- Ellis - I enjoyed all the running around, it is like a mini exercise.
Later in the term, our 5/6 and 2/3 classes will be travelling to Tolosa Park with Mike and completing an Orienteering course. Our students will put their Orienteering skills to the test as they navigate around the park to find checkpoints in teams.
We would like to pass on a big thank you to Mike and Jane from Orienteering Tasmania for coming out to Molesworth and organising some awesome activities at Molesworth!
If you are interested in Orienteering and exploring this sport, there are a lot of permanent courses around Tasmania and lots of events throughout the year. If you would like more information about Orienteering, check out the following Orienteering website as it has a lot of great information:

Next Tuesday 17th May is our next School Association Meeting at 4:30 pm in the Hall.
Term Dates 2025:
Term 1: Thursday 6th February to Friday 11th April 2025
Term 2: Monday 28th April to Friday 4th July 2025
Term 3: Monday 21st July to Friday 26th September 2025
Term 4: Monday 13th October to Thursday 18th December 2025
Student Free Days:
Term 2: Friday 6th June 2025 (Moderation Day)
Term 4: Friday 24th October 2025 (Professional Learning)
This term, there will be some changes in how COVID-19 cases are managed in schools.
Our school will continue to work closely with Public Health to safely manage any COVID-19 cases, with a focus on testing students and staff who have symptoms.
The number of students and staff with COVID-19 will be closely monitored, and we will work with Public Health to respond as needed. If there’s an increase in cases, Public Health will tell us what we need to do and what actions families will need to take.
Parents and carers will no longer receive a message every time there is an individual case in a class or grade – unless students or staff are medically vulnerable.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our school office.
For more information about COVID-19, please visit the Tasmanian Government Coronavirus website or contact the Tasmanian Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738, or Department of Education COVID-19 Support Hotline at or on 1800 816 057.
If you need support translating or interpreting this information, contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.