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Wow, winter has certainly settled here at Molesworth.
This week we have the Growing Up program running for all our classes and as always they are supporting all our students in their understanding of their own bodies and keeping healthy and safe. If you have not yet had a conversation with your child please find time to chat as they might like to talk about what they are learning and have questions to ask.
There is a new section in our newsletter from our School Association. Please check through this as there is lots happening, including a working bee and various fundraising events. All parent reps of our School Association are always there for you so feel free to make contact if you have any questions or ideas.
Welcome to Mr Greg Warman to our wonderful school. Greg is replacing Mrs Anita Button and is teaching our Preps on Mondays and Fridays and leadership roles on the other days during the week. Thanks to Mrs Gilbert for her caring, professional teaching of the prep class during this term. Welcome back to Mrs Kaye Bush for the next 4 weeks while Mr Hay is on long service leave.
Parent Teacher Interviews this Term.
This year we have a new reporting structure, going from A-E reporting to a 9-point scale. This term there will not be a report sent home with comments from the class teacher. Instead the teachers will share with you where your child is at on the 9 point scale together with evidence of learning and their future focus, in English, Maths, Science and History and Social Sciences, during parent-teacher interviews. Evidence of learning may include, but are not limited to, a: - work sample - piece of writing - student action noted by the teacher - artwork - video or sound recording - photographs - performances - test result, etc.
A note will be coming out in the next couple of weeks via Schoolzine for you to book a time for a parent-teacher interview. As we all know the best outcomes for students is the regular communication between school and families so please make a time to meet with your child’s teacher. If you are unable to make the times available please contact the teacher directly via Seesaw to organise another time. Seesaw is a great resource to see, in real time, the learning from your child. Children love to see when their parents have liked or commented on their posts.
Students in 2-3 have been focusing on wellbeing and body image this term by learning about the meaning of the acronym ‘BRIGHT’ as part of Butterfly Body Bright Program.
B – We will be brave in our bodies
R – We will be resilient to unhelpful media messages
I – We will be inclusive of ALL bodies
G – We will be Grateful for our amazing bodies
H – We will be Happy with joyful movement
T- We will be Thoughtful with eating
Last week, students discussed being ‘grateful for our bodies’ by acknowledging and appreciating the incredible, complicated and useful things our bodies do for us. Students used their photography and reporting skills during investigations to capture an image of their body and explain reasons why they are grateful for that part.
This program has been recommended by our supportive School Nurse -Chloe Brooks, who will be working with us in the upcoming weeks as we dive deeper into our wellbeing journey. Butterfly Body Bright aligns with our school values as it allows us to identify our strengths, build self-confidence, support positive mindset and develop inclusive behaviours.
To find out more about Butterfly Body Bright, please visit:
Student writing about our wonderful excursion with Molesworth Environment Centre:
Our MEC Excursion
We went on a MEC Excursion on Tuesday the tenth of May. We did some team building. The one I went on first ‘Rescue Tas’ then ‘Diving Ducks’. We did really well because Toby and I kept getting all the ducks into the bucket.
Thirdly, we went to ‘Over the Top’ where you and your team have to get over the top of a log as fast as you can obviously you team helps you. Our fourth activity was ‘Emergency Tent’ that was the funniest.
Last but not least, ‘George of the Jungle’. Our highest score was seven. Then we went on the tire bridge, sadly we could not go on the rope bridge. Our Team was called “Jack Gods” and at the start of our excursion we were the last to decide our name of our team.
I noticed Archie was really aware of stuff he did, and Finn was brave because he stood up for himself because if someone did not give him a floatie he would not give up.
By Ella
2-3 MEC Excursion
On May the 10th 2-3 Jacobson went on an excursion. Our Excursion was called Team Building. There was 7 places to work in. The people in my group were Harry, Grace, Hugh, Esther, Angel and me. Trish and Mrs Breaden showed us all of the areas that we can go to. The last activity I went to was ‘Shipwreck’. The rules are not to touch the water. If you touch the water you will get eaten by crocodiles and sharks. Then Mrs Breaden blew the whistle and we came back to school. We also did the tire bridge.
By Sonny F.
MEC Excursion
On Tuesday 2-3 went on a MEC excursion to do team building. On Shipwreck I was the builder and destroyer. I thought that the builder was the funnest job because you got to build. After Mrs Breaden blew the whistle, we all sprinted to the ‘Over the Top’. We went to the planning circle. We thought the tallest people could go last and the shortest people go first.
By Hugh
2-3 MEC Excursion
On Tuesday the 10th of May 2022, 2-3 went on a MEC excursion. Abby - Finn’s mum, Sharyn - Harry’s nan, Rebecca -Peppa’s mum, Andy - Milly’s dad, Trish, Mrs Braden, and our teacher Miss Jacobson came with us. Firstly, we walked up to Davie’s place. Secondly Trish was showing us the activities while Miss Jacobson decided our groups. My group was Hugh, Harry, Sonny F, Angel, Esther and Harry’s nan. The groups had to make a team name if you got your team name you put your hands up in the air and if your team put their hands up first you get a prize. Our team was the first team to agree on the name ‘Superstars’. The prize was we got to choose what activity we wanted start on.
The activities were Emergency Tent, Diving Ducks, Pirate Treasure, Cuddle Tas, Shipwreck and Over the Top. My group started on the activity Shipwreck. We had to rescue the animals off the islands by using some floaties and long planks of wood. Superstars got to the second island before Mrs Breaden blew the whistle which meant we had to pack up our activity. I was scared and nervous for Over the Top because it looked very high and I don’t like heights. However, when I climbed over the wooden pole with the help of my team mates it made me feel proud After we finished each activity we had lunch. Then we played a bonus game because we didn’t get to go on the rope bridge. It was called ‘George of the Jungle’ and our highest score was 8. We walked back to school to tire bridge. I loved our excursion because we got to enjoy 6 different activities.
By Grace
And 5, 6, 7, 8! All classes have been working hard learning many different dances since the start of Term 1. Most other Southern Primary Schools are learning the same dances for the rescheduled 40th Year Dance Event Celebration in September later this year.
Dancing has so many health benefits for any age and who doesn’t love a little jig now and then! The dances we have been learning have ranged from individual, partner, group and line dances. Each class have learnt 5 different dances with even more fun routines to learn!
I interviewed some students from the Year 2/3 class to hear what their favourite dance event dance is so far:
- Peppa - I like the winter dance because it is fun how you have to communicate with your partner to know where to move, it’s really fun!
- Ella - I like SiSi Maria because I like the start of the dance where you march.
- Kobie - my favourite is the winter lumber jack dance because I get to pretend to chop a tree and we have to store the wood too.
- Lacie - my favourite one so far is SiSi Maria because we have to march!
- Finn- I like the winter dance because I like anything including trees!
- Grace - My favourite part is the daisy chain dance when we have to skip around with our partners.
- Archie - I like the hungry giant because I like giants!
- Sonny F - SiSi Maria is my favourite because it’s really adventurous!
- Divinia - I liked the daisy chain dance because I liked spinning around with my partner!
- Darcy - I liked the woodchopping dance moves in the winter dance. And stacking the word!
- Toby and Esther - We like the hungry giant dance and looking for food and it is also abit challenging because it speeds up!

Term 2 has been all about long distance running as we move our focus from Orienteering to Cross Country!
Yesterday all Kinder to Year 6 students walked their specific Cross Country course ranging from 500m to 2.5km ready for our Molesworth Primary School Cross Country Carnival next Tuesday 31st May!
The Cross Country Carnival will begin at 11am on the Molesworth Recreation Ground Oval, with an official welcome by our Sport Leaders. The events schedule will start with older year levels racing first and at 11.45am we will have the first of our early childhood classes with our Year 1 Cross Country race. We will conclude our 2022 Molesworth Primary School Cross Country Carnival at 12.30pm!
I am most looking forward to our students trying their very best on the track! Cross Country is a great way for students to display a range of skills and attributes well beyond their long-distance running abilities. Long distance running is a test of resilience, perseverance, grit and determination. Students can apply goal setting skills and demonstrate positive self-talk, being brave and courageous in their efforts!
Spectators from our school community are most welcome to come along to cheer and encourage our students. We would appreciate if spectators could please remember to social distance. All students will need to remain with their class groups.
On the day, students are encouraged to bring an item/s of clothing in their house colour to wear during their race. Class teachers will remind students of their house colour and let our new students know what house they are in.
Blue Gum, River Mint and Waratah! Below is the description of each colour and their special meaning for our school community:
Term Dates 2025:
Term 1: Thursday 6th February to Friday 11th April 2025
Term 2: Monday 28th April to Friday 4th July 2025
Term 3: Monday 21st July to Friday 26th September 2025
Term 4: Monday 13th October to Thursday 18th December 2025
Student Free Days:
Term 2: Friday 6th June 2025 (Moderation Day)
Term 4: Friday 24th October 2025 (Professional Learning)