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Interschool Cross Country:
A huge congratulations to all the students from grade 3 to 6 that participated in the interschool cross country yesterday. It was great to hear the personal best efforts by so many of the children on such a chilly day. Thanks to the family members who were able to attend and cheer on Molesworth Primary.
Winter has certainly arrived this week. Please check that your child is bringing their school jumper to school as outside play is an important part of their wellbeing and mornings are very chilly. The School Office has plenty of jumpers available for sale and we also have a store of second hand articles for a gold coin donation.
A reminder also that if your child is wearing shorts to school please check they are school style shorts not short sports shorts.
Wednesday 25th May was Simultaneous Storytime. Every class joined in the reading of the selected book along with over a million other students from around the country. The story ‘Family Tree’ shared a very special message about families and connections. If you have not yet seen our outside display please have a look next time you are at school.

Term 2 reports and Parent teacher interviews:
Today you will receive a notification to book a time for a conversation with your child’s teacher. These are a great time for teachers to share examples of your child’s learning and for you to share any relevant information to support your child at school. During the interview time teachers will give you your child’s mid-year report. The new look report will show your child’s learning achievement differently. A new 9-point visual scale replaces A-E ratings for students in Years 1 to 10 (and for Prep students at the end of the year). The 9-point scale will show more specifically where your child’s learning achievement is against the expected standard for their year level.
If you have any problems making a booking please contact the School Office as they are more than happy to help. If you are not able to attend any of the times offered please make contact with the teacher directly to look at alternative times. Parent teacher discussions are a wonderful time to share successes and celebrate your child’s progress with their learning. We encourage students to come with you to these meetings.
SRC fund raiser – Dress up as your favourite fictional character:
Thanks to all families for supporting the SRC on this day, there were lots of very imaginative outfits using everyday items form home. Lots of fun was had by the students on the day. A total of $180.00 was raised which will be put towards and end of year gift for the school.

An update on face masks
Public Health has advised that from Monday 27 June 2022, face masks are no longer mandatory in schools and Child and Family Learning Centres. This is because of reduced COVID-19 cases in our community.
It’s important to continue to:
- stay at home if unwell, and get tested
- practise COVID-safe behaviours such as frequent handwashing and sanitising
- be up to date with your COVID-19 vaccinations.
Students, staff and visitors are supported to continue to wear face masks if they choose to. Face masks are still available from the School Office if you need them.
When face masks are required
If you’re a close contact, you are still required to wear a face mask indoors as per current Public Health advice.
From time-to-time Molesworth Primary School might identify activities or situations where masks are required to be worn. We ask for your support when this happens and know that it is in the best interests of our students, staff and our school.
Our staff will continue to wear masks when working closely with students who are vulnerable to COVID-19.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us directly to discuss.
For more information about COVID-19, please visit the Tasmanian Government Coronavirus website or contact the Tasmanian Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738, or Department of Education COVID-19 Support Hotline at or on 1800 816 057.
If you need support translating or interpreting this information, contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.
A sea of blue, green and red could be seen on the Cross Country track as well as under our lovely Molesworth Primary School gazebos last Tuesday! Such a cold morning turned into perfect conditions for a cross country. Lots of cheering, determination, walking, jogging and running. Congratulations to all of our competitors!
Thank you to our school community for coming out and cheering on our students! It is lovely to be able to have spectators at our school events again! Thank you to Mr Brendan Rogers for assisting me in setting up all of the tracks and the gazebo. We would also like to thank the 4 New Norfolk High School helpers for assisting us during the carnival.

After our school cross country carnival, 45 students were selected to represent Molesworth Primary at the Division B SPSSA Cross Country Carnival at Bayview Secondary College which was held yesterday! And what a day it was! Our Molesworth team were up against 18 other schools from Southern Tasmania. Everyone represented our school proudly and tried their very best which is all we ask for from our competitors! Mrs Young, Ms Grundy and myself were so proud of our school team! We had some outstanding results from our students. All of our students places less than 100th, with most placing in the middle of their races which was a great effort! We had 5 students finish in their top 20th for their respective races, Braiden 16th, Jack S 11th in the grade 4 boys race, Haley 7th in the grade 4 girls race, Addison 12th in the grade 5 girls race and Joseph with a phenomenal run in the grade 5 boys race came in 1st!
Thank you very much to Mr Peter Jelkic and Mrs Bernadette Kaitinis for braving the elements and volunteering as our school officials. It was lovely to have some of our school community make the trip out to Bayview to support our school, thank you!

Free safer online gaming webinar
Playing games online can be great for socialising and an outlet for a child’s imagination. There can also be some downsides.
Help your child enjoy the fun of gaming safely. Book in for our Safer online gaming webinar to learn about popular games and pick up strategies for managing the risks.
Register now and share the link with other parents you know.
Term Dates 2025:
Term 1: Thursday 6th February to Friday 11th April 2025
Term 2: Monday 28th April to Friday 4th July 2025
Term 3: Monday 21st July to Friday 26th September 2025
Term 4: Monday 13th October to Thursday 18th December 2025
Student Free Days:
Term 2: Friday 6th June 2025 (Moderation Day)
Term 4: Friday 24th October 2025 (Professional Learning)