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Dear Families,
I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend and found time to do what you love to do.
Yet another busy 2 weeks at Molesworth Primary. Last Friday we saw our Grade 3 to Grade 6 students participate in our athletics trials and carnival. It was wonderful to see the number of participants in every race, even those that were optional. From this we have a team of 53 students participating in the interschool athletics carnival this Friday 13th March. Good luck to all and I know they will yet again do Molesworth proud. A very big thank you to Mr Andy McLean, Mrs Adrienne White and Mr Peter Jelkic for spending the afternoon at the recording and ribbon table, to Ms Jodie Goggins for taking photos, to the 3 sports leaders from New Norfolk High and to all the family members who came to support their children and cheer them on. Days like this do not just happen and a very big thank you to Miss Gourlay for the organisation prior to the day and her leadership on the day. Thank you also to School Association for organising and cooking the BBQ and purchasing the new gazebos and flags that will proudly display our school at many interschool events including this Friday.
Today and tomorrow each class have or will participate in the Bright Sparks program, presented by Tas Networks, where students learn about safety around electricity.

SRC 2020:
Well done to the 11 Grade 6 students who put their hand up to try out for SRC this year. Last Thursday afternoon they all gave well prepared and practised speeches to the Grade 3 to Grade 6 students about how they could contribute to the continual improvement of Molesworth. Following the speeches all students voted for their preferred SRC members. At morning assembly on Tuesday the SRC was announced – congratulations to Leif, Ewan, Matilda, Zeke and Brilee. I am looking forward to working with our student representatives for another year.
Assemblies for 2020:
At School Association on Tuesday the question of school assemblies was raised. As I am sure you are all aware there has been a change in classroom placements this year and the hall currently houses both the Grade 5/6 and the Grade 4/5 classes. This has allowed the teachers of the two classes to support one another, plan together and for the classes to work together allowing for more choices for the students’ learning. On Wednesday afternoons there is such a buzz in the rooms as different groups are working on Robotics, learning dance routines or how robots play soccer while others are developing their programming skills using Grok learning. With 2 classes now using this space it is too difficult to pack up both rooms for assemblies. We know that assemblies are a wonderful way to share all the fantastic things happening in classrooms and we are currently looking at alternatives. Our next newsletter will have a confirmed date and location for our Term 1 assembly.
Open classroom morning for Term 1:
Last year we held two open mornings where parents visited their child’s classrooms and shared in their learning. One morning focused on literacy and reading and the second on maths. Both these mornings were very well supported by our families and lots of very excited students working with their families. This year we are planning an open morning session each term. This term our session is on Wednesday 25th March and the classrooms will be open from 8:30 am until 10:00 am. We would love to welcome you to visit and share in your child’s learning during this time. We will again have the library open throughout the morning where you are more than welcome to come in and share a story or 2 with your child. Que Sera Sera coffee van will be availalbe for hot drinks and snacks from 8:00 am - 11:00 am.
Author Visit:
Next Thursday we have a visiting author Zanni Louise who will work with our grade 1 to grade 6 classes. She will share the love of reading and how they can improve their writing skills as an author. Zanni is the author of many children’s books including:

You can check her out at{! s !}
Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser:
Thank you to everyone who supported our Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser held on last Friday and to our wonderful volunteers who gave up their day to cook and serve those delicious sausages. It was a tremendous success with $356.20 being raised. A very big thank you to Top of the Town Bakery who donated the bread for this.
School Association Committee Nominations:
We have four (4) parent representative positions declared vacant at the end of the School Association Calendar year (March 2020). Nomination forms are available from the school office as of today. All nominations must be returned to the School Office no later than 3:00 pm Tuesday 24 March 2020. As a parent you are a member of our School Assocation. If you are interested in becoming a Committee Member please contact the following who are more than happy to answer questions about the process, roles and expectations of being an elected member of the School Association Committee:
- Mrs Peta Jelkic
- Ms Anna Vonk
- Ms Jess Burns
- Mr Andy McLean
Fundraising Subcommittee Meeting:
The fundraising subcommittee have already started creating a list of possible fundraising ideas for this year. The more ideas and helpers the better. The next meeting of the Molesworth School Association Fundraising Subcommittee will be this Friday (13 March) commencing at 9:00 am in our Library. Everyone is welcome to come along.
The Department of Education continues to work closely with the Tasmanian Department of Health to support schools and students with information in relation to Novel coronavirus (COVID19).
Novel coronavirus is an illness caused by a new virus that can spread from person to person by close contact. Most people infected get better over a week or two, and it seems children usually only get mild illness, like a bad cold. While coronavirus is causing significant community concern, remember that most people in Tasmania today with symptoms like fever, cough, and sore throat are likely suffering from the normal, everyday illnesses we have in our community – not coronavirus.
What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
Coronavirus causes illness that ranges from a mild cough to pneumonia. People with coronavirus may have a fever (high temperature), cough, sore throat, fatigue (extreme tiredness) and shortness of breath for no obvious reason. Some people recover easily; some (mostly elderly people) get very sick very quickly.
Who is at risk? For now, in Australia, those most at risk of getting the virus are:
- people who have in the past 14 days been in a country considered to be at higher risk for coronavirus; currently mainland China, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Thailand (this list of countries may change; check the Australian Government Department of Health website for the latest information)
- people who have been in close contact with someone who is known to have the virus.
Information from around the world so far suggests:
- babies, children and young people are likely to have mild illness
- elderly people and people with serious underlying health conditions (like cancer, lung disease and heart disease) are at higher risk of severe illness.
What should I do if my child gets sick?
If your child gets sick, do what you would normally do unless your child is at risk of having coronavirus, as outlined in the information above. If your child gets sick and is at risk and is sick with suggestive symptoms, phone the Public Health Hotline (1800 671 738) straight away.
How can I help slow the spread of illness?
Wash your hands often and well, with soap and running water or alcohol-based hand rub; show your child how to wash their hands well. Wash your hands after coughing, sneezing and blowing your nose.
Always cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Use a tissue, then put the tissue in the bin. If you don’t have a tissue, use the inside of your elbow.
Stay informed. For the latest general information, go to Australian Government Department of Health or Tasmanian Government Department of Health or phone the national coronavirus health information line, 1800 020 080.
On Thursday 27 February, Year 5/6 journeyed by bus into Hobart to further investigate our study of the three levels of government; Local, State and Federal, as part of our Civics and Citizenship unit.
Students were treated to a delicious morning tea provided by our local member and current president of the Legislative Assembly, Craig Farrell. After this we were guided to the original House of Assembly to learn more about our studies of government and were privileged to view the real Sergeant at Arm’s mace. After this we participated in a role play in the current House of Assembly room where we reviewed and debated a bill about whether dogs should be kept as pets at schools. This was run beautifully by our Sergeant at Arms; Leif, our speaker; Matilda, and our Clerk; Willow. All of our members of government and the opposition debated respectfully and passionately about their opinion on the topic.
After a quick bite to eat on Parliament lawns we headed up to the A Lab where we were greeted by Mr Stuart Thorn. Here the children rotated around various activities including a sailing simulation, green screen and virtual reality, to further develop our understanding of technology and its use. The staff at the A Lab have generously leant us 6 micro-bits which the children will use back in class during Science, to investigate their thoughts about plants and conditions for optimal growth. We look forward to seeing these in use and the results from their Smart Gardens later this term.

A fantastic day was had by all. We would like to thank our two parent helpers on the day, Mrs Cowley and Mrs Plunkett. Your help was greatly appreciated.
School Levies: Thank you to those parents who have paid levies, however, we still have a few outstanding. If you are experiencing difficulties in paying levies, please contact the school office.
SPSSA Athletic Carnival: The Southern Primary School Sports Association Athletics Carnival will be held at the Domain Athletic Centre on Friday 13 March. Molesworth Primary School is in ‘D' Division. The Champions’ Carnival will be held on Tuesday 2 April.
Fruit or Vegetables First: As part of our Eat Well, Move Well initiative we are promoting eating fruit or vegetables first at morning tea and then choosing another item from lunch boxes if children are still hungry.
Uniform Store: Any families with any queries in regards to school uniform, please contact the School Office on 6261 2091
Friday 13 |
Wednesday 18 |
Thursday 19 |
Friday 20 |
Wednesday 25 |
Thursday 26 |
Thursday 2 |
Friday 3 |
Wedneday 8 |
Thursday 9 |
Monday 27 |
School Photos this year will be taken on THURSDAY 26 MARCH. Every child must bring their own photo envelope back to school NO LATER THAN MONDAY 23 MARCH, even if payment is included in any siblings envelope. Please DO NOT place envelopes inside one another. Photos are taken on a pre-paid basis. Please put CORRECT money in the photo envelope as no change can be given by the photographer or school. Please note - cash and cheque, VISA and Mastercard are accepted.
Family Discount ON ‘B’ PACK ONLY: Families with 3 or more students at this school pay for only 2 “B” packs, third and subsequent “B” packs are free of charge. Family Photo envelopes are available from the school office. Our Photographer has advised that there will be a $15 postage and handling fee for ALL late orders and late orders must be sent to the studio. Money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with your photos within 14 days of purchase.