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- STAS 2023
What a wonderful day we had last Thursday with all our children enjoying their learning outdoors. It was lovely to see parents joining in as well. Check out our new display on our outside notice board. Thanks to Gavin Barber for the awning to protect our notice board.

Tomorrow for Remembrance day we have 2 students representing Molesworth and laying a wreath in New Norfolk at the service at the Cenotaph outside the Council Chambers. We will also have our own acknowledgement and minute silence here at school lead by 2 students from the Grade 5/6 class. Parents are welcome to attend either New Norfolk or the school. At school we will be meeting near the flag pole at 10:50 am.
Good luck to our swim team tomorrow who are competing at the Aquatic Centre and head off in the morning with Miss Gourlay.
Thank you very much to all the wonderful donations bought in today for our end of year raffle. Keep an eye out for the photos when we have packaged everything up in to the prizes. Extra raffle tickets are always available form the School Office.
As we head to the end of the year we are beginning to look at class structures for next year. Student placement takes into consideration teacher judgement and observations about:
- The needs of the child (educational, social, emotional and behavioural)
- The balance of student abilities within the class
We value the support of our parent community and give you the opportunity to provide information in writing which you believe the school needs to know that will help in placing your child for 2023. Please email or send a letter to myself of your request by Friday 25th November. The information given will be kept confidential. If you would like to have a conversation about this I am very happy to meet to chat. Please check with the office to make a time or I am always out and about before school each day.
Dear Parent/Carers,
This letter provides important information about your child’s end of year report.
The Australian Curriculum
In 2022, your child has undertaken learning in the Australian Curriculum learning areas of English, Mathematics, Science. Humanities and Social Sciences, Health & Physical Education, The Arts and Technologies.
Your child’s report
For English, Mathematics, Humanities and Social Sciences and Science your child’s teacher has assessed their progress against the learning area’s Australian Curriculum achievement standard for the year level.
From 2022, a 9-point scale and worded descriptor will appear on your child’s report. The new 9-point scale replaces A-E ratings for students in Prep to Year 10. The 9-point scale shows more specifically where your child’s learning achievement is against the expected standard for their year level.
The 9-point scale and worded descriptor assessment shows progress using the Australian Curriculum achievement standard established for children in every state and territory of Australia. It does not compare your child’s progress to other children in their class.
Your child’s teachers have also provided information about application to learning including effort, attitude and organisation.
Where can I get more information?
Should you have any queries about your child’s report, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or the school.
We now have a Kiosk check-in system up and running in the School Office. This replaces our old sign in book that parents/visitors would fill out when they arrived late or departed early. If your child is late any morning please send them to the School Office to sign in before going to their Classroom. Once they are signed in they receive a ticket to take to their class teacher. If you need to sign your child out for early for any reason, please come to the School Office for the same procedure. Thank you.
Packing a healthy lunchbox is important for good health, wellbeing, and learning.
A healthy lunchbox will aide your child's growth and development now, and sets up healthy habits and choices that your child can maintain as they grow older. The future, long term effects of healthy food choices include maintaining a healthy body and preventing lifestyle related diseases.
When packing a healthy lunchbox, it is important to include foods from all five food groups as recommended by 'The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating'. The five food groups are; breads and cereals, dairy, fruit, meat and alternatives and vegetables.
Packing your child's lunchbox is a great time to have them help and be involved in the process. Visit with your child as a fun activity to discover fun and healthy lunchbox ideas.
Healthy Snacks
When packing your child's lunchbox, it's important to include some snack foods with their main meal (lunch). Snacks are important for a child as they have small stomachs and may need multiple snacks throughout the day, between main meals to meet their energy needs and growth.
When picking snacks, it is important to ensure they're healthy and avoid packing 'sometimes' foods as a treat. Snacks should be made from the five food groups mentioned above.
Examples of healthy snacks to include in your child's lunchbox:
- Fresh Fruit
- Dip and cut up vegetable sticks
- Air popped popcorn
- Boiled egg
- Cheese and biscuits
- Rice crackers
- Vegetable muffin
- Fruit bread
- Yoghurt
The Department for Education, Children and Young People is reviewing the procedure for out-of-area enrolments at Tasmanian Government schools. We are interested to learn more about your perspectives on the benefits of attending your local government school, and the reasons families seek enrolment at a school outside their local intake area. You are invited to have your say using an online survey at
A couple of School Nurses are trialling a new hearing test system, and our School Nurse Chloe is one! We are very excited that Chloe will be conducting this trial here at Molesworth Primary throughout term 4.
What is Sound Scouts?
An estimated 1 in 10 school children suffer from hearing loss, which left undetected can lead to speech, learning and behavioural problems. The Sound Scouts hearing check is a simple app-based system which can identify if a child has a hearing issue, including listening difficulties in noise. The test incorporates the science of a hearing test in a fun interactive game. Evidence based, accessible and delivering immediate results, it’s the perfect screening solution.
You can read more about Sound Scouts on their website:
How can your child be a part of sound scouts?
Students of any age are welcomed to participate in this trial, even if they have had a hearing assessment before! Nurses are offering to re-test your child’s hearing as a way to determine if a new system is appropriate for future use.
If you are happy for your child to participate in our trial, please grab a consent form from the School Office. Please note that this is a trial, and our school nurse will do her best to test as many students as possible who return consent forms. If your child is tested throughout this trial period, you will receive a copy of the results.
The students in the Motor Program are sew happy with their latest creations!
All students have been working hard with their fine motor skills, putting together their own banner or flag. Students had to choose the colours and sew over their initials and draw objects or patterns underneath.
Students have taken their creations home to hang up:
- Alex W - I might hang my flag in the yard. I enjoyed sewing, it was fun!
- Heidi - I have hung mine on the top of the wall in the loungeroom
- Adam - I hung mine on top of my table. Sewing was challenging!

On Thursday 3rd November, Ms. Youd and Joseph travelled up to the St. Leonards track in Launceston for the State Primary schools Athletics Carnival! Joseph didn’t feel the best when he woke up on Thursday morning, but he pushed through and competed in the Year 5 boys 1500m event. Joseph represented our school and the south of the state with exceptional effort. From my time here at Molesworth, Joseph has only been the third student from Molesworth to participate in the State Athletics Champions. The other students were Matilda and Addison.
Congratulations Joseph, an incredible achievement. Thank you to Ms. Youd for transporting and supporting Joseph on the day!
Over the last couple of weeks, we have had our upper primary classes visit the Hobart Gymnastics Academy out at Bridgewater!
Our students practised many fundamental movement skills and movement sequences during their time at the academy! We started each session with the coaches warming up and stretching on the massive blue floor mat space. We moved around obstacle courses, jumped on trampolines, hung upside down, climbed ropes, jumped into the foam pit, practised our landing shapes, jumped over hurdles and ladders, crawled under objects, practised balancing and so much more! Next time you bump into one of our upper primary students you will have to asked them what their favourite activity at the academy was! By the end of each session, all students had red faces from all of the effort they put into the session. A lot of fun was had at the Hobart Gymnastics Academy! In the newsletter, we have included some flyers from the Hobart Gymnastics Academy with some different extra curricula opportunities for our students.
- Ethan - I loved the trampolines because I have one at home and they are fun to bounce on!
- Aisha - I liked the foam pit! And jumping side to side on the triangle boxes
- Laurie - I liked the trampoline because we got to jump using different skills
- Holly - I enjoyed learning the names for the different movements
- Alex S - My 2 favourite things were climbing the ropes and the warm-up activities
- Billy - I enjoyed jumping forwards on the trampolines and the warm-up games
Thank you to coach Leanne for organising our excursions for Molesworth around the academy’s packed schedule, coach Mel, coach B and coach Hannah for assisting us through many different activities and for demonstrating how to move in a safe way. Thank you to Mrs Maw, Mr Jelkic, Mr Roberts, Mr Turner and Mrs Barber who assisted in supervising and assisting in these excursions!

The Student Assistance Scheme (STAS) provides assistance to low income families towards the cost of levies for students enrolled in a school from kindergarten through to year 12.
STAS is provided through school and college resourcing rather than payment direct to families.
Parents who have a current concession card as listed below can apply for dependent students for assistance under the STAS:
- Services Australia – Centrelink Health Care Card
- Service Australia – Centrelink Low Income Health Care Card
- Services Australia – Pensioner Concession Card or
- Department of Veteran Affairs – Pensioner Concession Card.
The Student Assistance Scheme (otherwise known as STAS) has changed and the eligibility broadened.
If you are a current concession card holder (Centrelink Health Care Card, Low Income Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession card, or a Department of Veterans Affairs Pensioner Concession Card) you can apply using this STAS form
You will receive a letter confirming the outcome of your application approximately 14 days after it is submitted.
If you need access to a hard copy form, please contact your school, email: or phone 1800 827 055.
Please note: if you are already receiving assistance, you don’t need to apply again. If you wish to add a student to an approved STAS application please email your name and the student’s full details to
Parents who received STAS during 2020 who do not hold a concession card outlined will be approved using the 2020 process where evidence is provided to support their claim.
To For further information please view the Frequently Asked Questions.
The Spectacles Assistance Scheme provides assistance towards the cost of spectacles for eligible school aged children from kindergarten through to senior secondary level who attend a State or registered non-government school or college or a school aged children provided with home education where the parent is registered as the home educator. Assistance is only available through optometrists participating in the Scheme and applicants should establish this at the time of consultation. The Scheme allows for one pair of standard frames and lenses per year. Parents/guardians who are approved for STAS are eligible for assistance with spectacles. Parents who have a current concession card as listed below are also eligible to apply for the Spectacles Assistance Scheme:
- Services Australia – Centrelink Health Care Card
- Service Australia – Centrelink Low Income Health Care Card
- Services Australia – Pensioner Concession Card or
- Department of Veteran Affairs – Pensioner Concession Card.
Term Dates 2025:
Term 1: Thursday 6th February to Friday 11th April 2025
Term 2: Monday 28th April to Friday 4th July 2025
Term 3: Monday 21st July to Friday 26th September 2025
Term 4: Monday 13th October to Thursday 18th December 2025
Student Free Days:
Term 2: Friday 6th June 2025 (Moderation Day)
Term 4: Friday 24th October 2025 (Professional Learning)