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Welcome to 2023. It was lovely seeing all the smiling faces arriving this morning excited to head in to their new classrooms, say hello to their teacher and find their friends. There was lots of chatter and catch up at recess this morning.
As well as welcoming back all our students we also welcome Mr Will Stalker who is one of our Grade 5-6 class teachers this year.
All our staff have spent the last 2 days setting up the classrooms and they are looking amazing and welcoming to all. Parents are always welcome to drop in and see what is happening any morning between 8:15 and 8:45 am or after school.
This year we introduced a hoodie as part of our uniform and students wearing them have said they are very comfortable. These are available from the office along with all our usual uniform pieces.
As we settle in to the term we are already looking at a very busy term. Keep checking in on our calendar on our website and in our fortnightly newsletter as we add items as soon as they are organised. In week 3 and 4 (20th February to 3rd March) this term we have our Grade 3 – 5 swimming program for this year.
School validation and permission forms:
Today all students have been given an envelope with all permission and validation forms for this year. Please keep an eye out for these in their bags and send them back to the school as soon as they are filled out. If your child is in years 3-5 please ensure you return the Aquatic Consent form as soon as possible so they can participate in the Swimming and Water Safety program which is compulsary. If you have any questions please contact the School Office.
We will continue to use Seesaw for class communications and sharing of learning. If you have changed your email address or are not yet connected to Seesaw please let your child’s teacher or the School Office know and we will organise the connection. Children love to share what they have been doing and Seesaw allows us to share photos, videos, and audio content as well as copies of their work as soon as it is posted on the site.
Our playground:
During the holidays we have had many people using our school yard. We are more than happy to have families use our facilities but please look after our school and return anything you may move about. Sadly our trampoline in the Kinder was broken during January and we have had to replace the mat. If you are in our Kinder playground at any time please remember that the trampoline is only for young children not for adults or teenagers.
It was great to see so many students found their hats ready for recess and lunch today. If your child is unable to find their hat they are available for purchase from the School Office. As part of our School SunSmart policy our students are required to wear our bucket hats for Term 1 and Term 4.
A huge thank you to all parents who came in to the School Office this morning for your patience and understanding as it was somewhat hectic. It was very much appreciated.
Those who have pre-ordered hoodies they are available to collect from the School Office. A friendly reminder to all that uniform sales are a cash only basis.
Term Dates 2025:
Term 1: Thursday 6th February to Friday 11th April 2025
Term 2: Monday 28th April to Friday 4th July 2025
Term 3: Monday 21st July to Friday 26th September 2025
Term 4: Monday 13th October to Thursday 18th December 2025
Student Free Days:
Term 2: Friday 6th June 2025 (Moderation Day)
Term 4: Friday 24th October 2025 (Professional Learning)