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Swimming has started brilliantly, all students enjoying their learning in the pool.
At Last night's School Association meeting we discussed the start of the year and there were a couple of points to share from that meeting.
- As the weather is warm and our bubblers are not connected (are being fixed) students are always welcome to take their drink bottles with them to the playground for recess and lunch.
- Rubbish from lunches. At Molesworth we ask all students to leave all their wrappers etc in their lunch boxes to take home. We like parents to see what their child has or has not eaten and as we do not have rubbish collection here it helps reduce the amount of rubbish at school. We understand that yoghurt that has been opened can make a mess in bags so all teachers will talk with their classes about putting the yoghurt waste in our bins.
- Seesaw – All classes are now regularly using Seesaw – please use this as the best way to communicate with your child’s teacher and keep an eye out for messages from the class. If you are having trouble connecting please talk with your child’s teacher.
Also, please check emails and SZapp for the two notices sent home today regarding School Association Committee parent vacancy nominations and our Term 1 Fundraiser.
Music program at Molesworth – This year, within our staffing, we have not been able to offer music for the year. The students continue to have PE, Dance and Drama as well as IT sessions. We are looking at our options to continue to offer our students music. If there is anyone who has music skills that might be able to volunteer some time. E.g. guitar, ukulele, choir. Please contact the office. Later in the year we are hoping to offer music for the development of class performances.
This Friday we are running our SRC elections. There are many Grade 6 students busy preparing their speeches to share with our Grade 3 to Grade 6 students. This year we will continue to have 4 SRC reps and 3 sports leaders. Good luck to all the Grade 6's for Friday.
There is an increasing number of students very interested in learning the rules and playing chess. Black Square Chess ( run an 8 week program during terms 1-4. These programs are run at a time-slot of the schools choice and fall into three categories: Before School (8-9am), Lunchtime (1-1:45pm) or After School (3-4pm), Monday through Friday. This means there are 15 potential time-slots to suit your school. If you are interested in your child joining please email the office. The link above gives you information about what they offer and the cost to parents.
NAPLAN for our Grade 3 and Grade 5 students takes place in week 5 and 6 of this term. There is a separate item attached with more information about NAPLAN 2023.
For more information about NAPLAN:
- contact Mrs Smith at school
- contact your local test administration authority at
- visit To learn how ACARA handles personal information for NAPLAN, visit
To Jaimie (one of our Kinder parents) for their wonderful donation of books to our school.
Last Tuesday 14th February students were visited by Mr Ian Ross from Marine and Safety Tasmania (MAST). They developed their skills and knowledge of many important boating skills; what you need to think about before and during any boating activity, how to use inflatable jackets, how to check life jackets to make sure they work, what is required to take with you when boating and what these look like and how to use them, how to check fire extinguishers, how to use flares, the different between each flare and how an Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) works and our early childhood classes took home a book!
We would like to pass on many thanks to Ian from MAST for visiting our school! If you are interested in further information, check out the MAST website, they have some great resources:

This week saw our first week of Swimming and Water Safety commence for 2023. What a fantastic start we have had! It will be great for our students to apply their MAST boating knowledge practically at the pool! I can’t wait to see our students progress their swimming skills and knowledge throughout the program.
Get your Ticket to Play and join in!
Ticket to Play is closing soon!
Ticket to Play provides two vouchers up to $100 each towards club membership/ registration for children aged 5-18yrs who are listed on a Services Australia Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card or who are in out of home care.
What can I use the vouchers for?
Vouchers can be used towards the cost of sporting club membership, as well as for Learn to Swim, Dance, Scouts, Guides and Cadets.
Vouchers can be used at two different activity providers or both can be used at the one activity provider.
Important Dates
Ticket to Play voucher applications are open until 31 May 2023. Vouchers must be given to an approved activity provider by 7 June 2023.
To apply visit
For enquiries please email or call 1800 252 476.
School photo day is TOMORROW Thursday 9 March. Please find attached instructions on how to order photos for your children if wish to do so.
It is an online process which requres an access key which is provided in the instructions. If you have any issues or questions please contact Pied Piper Portraits on 6228 6878.
PLEASE NOTE: Parental permission is required for children to have their school photo taken. This is given on the Student Validation Form that was sent home in the first week of this term. Some are still yet to be returned. Please return them ASAP so your child can be included.
Term Dates 2025:
Term 1: Thursday 6th February to Friday 11th April 2025
Term 2: Monday 28th April to Friday 4th July 2025
Term 3: Monday 21st July to Friday 26th September 2025
Term 4: Monday 13th October to Thursday 18th December 2025
Student Free Days:
Term 2: Friday 6th June 2025 (Moderation Day)
Term 4: Friday 24th October 2025 (Professional Learning)
New Norfolk Soccer Club junior registrations are open!
We are pleased to announce that junior registrations for Under 6 to Under 12 will remain at $120. If your child is eligible for a Ticket To Play voucher then this reduces the fee considerably! Please apply for vouchers before registering because you will be asked for the voucher number/s during the registration process.
We get many questions about what age children can start playing – the minimum age is 4 turning 5 during the year, but they will still be called “Under 6”. Our age groups are very simple to remember – whatever age your child is turning at any point during the year is the age group they will play in. For example, “John” turned 7 in January so he will play in Under 7; “Jane” turns 10 in August so she will play in Under 10. Easy huh!!
Registrations are done online at Helpful how-to instructions to follow! Season starts Saturday 25th March at Tynwald Park, New Norfolk. Gala Day Saturday 19th August is the last game.
If you have any problems or just need to ask some questions please either email (yes it has a double s); or contact our Juniors Coordinator Janine White on 0438002484.