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Thank you to all the families that were able to join us for time in the classrooms last Thursday to celebrate the joy of reading and books. It was lovely visiting each classroom and seeing the smiles on the students faces as they were sharing their learning with their families. Our noticeboard is also full of amazing work each class did around one of this year’s short listed books. Lots of photos below.

Today we had the Terrapin puppets present an amazing performance for the whole school. The Riddle of Washpool Gully left everyone with lots to think about including the power of imagination together with caring for the environment and family connections. So many great questions after the performance, and comments from the students, about how much they enjoyed the show. Chat with your child about the puppet show and what they liked about it.

Thanks to all families that replied about the need for OHSC here at Molesworth. This information has now been sent in to the Department for the next stage. We will keep everyone informed of what is next in the process as we receive the information.
Today we had Josh Mardell from Hockey Tasmania visit our PE classes! What an awesome day we have had!
Josh brought along new hockey sticks, balls and shin pads for us to use. We discussed the safety precautions you need to think about when playing hockey. We further developed our hockey skills and played some new activities and games. Next week Josh is going to show us more new hockey activities that we are all looking forward too! Thank you Josh.
Later this term, both of our 3/4 classes, 1/2 and P/1 classes will be off on a PE excursion to the New Town Hockey Centre to apply their hockey knowledge and skills out at Tasmania’s Hockey facility. We can’t wait!
Here are some comments from some of our Molesworth superstars:
- Kobi – I enjoyed playing the hockey games
- Hugh – I liked playing the games with people from my class
- Olive – I enjoyed the hockey octopus game

As you can see, students from Grade 3-4MB did a wonderful job of making pizzas in our hall kitchen a couple of weeks ago. Even making the bases from scratch!! Thank you to Ms Jess Burns for helping the children learn a new skill for filling their bellies.

On Tuesday 22nd August, southern schools across Tasmanian participated in the SPSSA Winter Carnival for 2023! There were 5 sports on offer: AFL, AFLW, hockey, netball and tennis!
In the lead up to the Winter Carnival Day, Year 5/6 students had to be nominated for a sport by their schools and attend trials. If successful at the trials, they would make the team for their region and attended training/s at other schools. Our region is made up of a total of 14 schools.
This year we nominated 16 of our year 5/6 students and 11 of our Molesworth students were chosen to represent our region at Netball, AFL, AFLW and Soccer. An incredible achievement, especially for our Year 5 students! To those that went to trials and were not selected, we wish you all the best next year!
Thank you very much to our wonderful parents and carers for transporting our students to trials, training and on game day!
Our representatives on the day were:
Netball – Addison, Oaklahn
AFL – Jack S
AFLW – Ashley, Amber and Haley
Soccer – Mitchell and Riley
Below are sport reports by our students:
We played at Lindisfarne North Primary School Oval at the OHA Football Club grounds. There were 6 teams and we all played 3 games. There was one grand final. Ashley was on the Tigers team, Amber on the Saints team and Haley on the Blues Team.
Haley’s team won the grand final and she won the Coaches award!
We had a big company that donated 4 boxes of apples, 3 boxes of bananas, mandarins, pears and a lot of fruit. It was a bit rainy and cold but we warmed up when we played. It was fun!
By Ashley and Haley
We played at Cadbury oval. There were the Magpies, Kingborough, Swans, Roos, the Eagles. My team were the Derwent Saints. We played 3 games. It was very competitive! On my team were some of my friends I play with at New Norfolk. I played half forward flank. I had fun! My friend kicked 3 goals. Our coach was very good.
By Jack S
We played 5 games of netball! We were at the Creek Road netball centre. There were 5 teams, the red robins, green parrots, pink rose finches, blue wrens and the Huon channel hawks. We were the gold finches!
Addison knew a few people from the other teams. We made friends with our teammates and met new people. Oaklahn played WA, C and one half of GD. Addison played GD the whole time and one half in keeper. Addison won the MVP award for Division 1.
We had a lot of fun.
By Addison and Oaklahn
We played soccer at Wentworth Park. We played 3 games for Derwent, if you made the grand final you played 4 games. We won our first game, tied the next and lost the last game. Riley played right back and right wing. Mitchell was the goalkeeper and also played defence. We all had a lot of fun! It was very challenging, there were competitive teams.
By Riley and Mitchell
You might have noticed that our Grade 6 Leavers are now proudly wearing their leavers polo tops. Thank you to Mrs Baker in the School Office for organising such wonderful tops for our children to remember their last year at Molesworth Primary.

A local radio station is currently running a competition for a Tassie school to win S10,000. Our school is on the list for anyone and everyone who would like to vote for us.
This morning I asked the students if we had $10 000 what would they like to see it spent on for the school. There were so many very creative ideas.
- Isla and Chelsea would love to see our vegetable garden extended so vegetables could be picked and eaten at recess and lunch.
- Nick would love another slide.
- Hugh would love more building blocks.
- Laurie and Haley would love a trampoline.
- Riley suggested proper goals for the oval for soccer and AFL.
- Sonny suggested a BMX track and,
- Peppa would love more Science equipment.
There were lots wanting more sports equipment, in particular new basketball rings that are a single ring not the double ring because the ball spins too much.
From the more creative we also had a water fountain, a chocolate fountain a train track with a train on it and a Ninja Warrior course with a rock climbing wall. Lots of wonderful ideas.
All families are encouraged to spread the word – Molesworth is an amazing school and we certainly deserve to be labelled School of the Year.
Term Dates 2025:
Term 1: Thursday 6th February to Friday 11th April 2025
Term 2: Monday 28th April to Friday 4th July 2025
Term 3: Monday 21st July to Friday 26th September 2025
Term 4: Monday 13th October to Thursday 18th December 2025
Student Free Days:
Term 2: Friday 6th June 2025 (Moderation Day)
Term 4: Friday 24th October 2025 (Professional Learning)
Indoor sports can be great – especially on wet and cold days. Keep your child active, with this fun activity. Balloon volleyball gets your children moving, developing their physical skills as they follow and tap the balloon. They also learn to keep trying and to solve problems.