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Reporting Term 2
As we head in to the final week of Term 2 teachers have been busy finalising reports. Children from Prep to Grade 6 will receive a written report to bring home next Wednesday 1st July. Due to the changes this year the reports will not cover all areas of the curriculum. They will be a summary of where your child is currently at in English and Maths with a future focus as well as a well-being comment. We will not be running parent teacher interviews, however if you would like to have a discussion with your child’s teacher please make contact via seesaw or email the office to arrange a time.
Intake Areas 2021
Last week the new school intake areas were finalised and made public. These intake areas come in to effect for enrolments from the beginning of 2021. Families who have children currently enrolled at Molesworth and have younger siblings are able to be enrolled even if out of area. If you would like to check the intake areas the following link will take you to the site and you can find your address.
for any enquires in regard to enrolments please contact the office. We will begin the process for Kinder 2021 enrolments next term so keep a check on our future newsletters.
COVID-19 Arrangements for Term 3
A very big thank you to all families for supporting the COVID-19 arrangements of this term. Following health department and DoE guidelines the restrictions are able to be reduced.
For Term 3:
- Families are welcome back in to the school grounds and children can now be dropped off at the classroom door. Please do not go into the classrooms. If you wish to speak to the teacher continue the communication via seesaw.
- We will go back to regular pickup times for all classes. Thank you to the families that changed their routines to minimise the congestion at the end of the day.
- School Assemblies can now take place but because of the new build this is something we will have to look at during the term.
- LiL and Pre-Kinder sessions can now occur onsite – further details below.
- School Association meetings can take place – confirmation of the date for our AGM will be in our next newsletter.
- School excursions will be able to recommence depending on requirements of outside venues. The MEC will be reopen. All our classes are booked in for a session each during Term 3. Each class will send out details closer to the time.
Prep Room and New Build
Today the successful contractor for the rebuild was announced. Maveric builders will be working with our architect and project manager throughout the rest of the year. Next week our prep class will be moved out of the old building into the classroom opposite the library. During the holidays the contractors will move in and begin the process of demolishing the old and constructing the new. It is very exciting to begin this and next year it will be amazing to have the three new classrooms for our students. The rest of the year is going to be tricky with space and storage as we do not have any spare spaces. Mr Hay is currently looking at his options for music. Miss Gourlay will continue with dance in the classrooms and PE will be outside.
LIL and Pre Kinder
We have certainly missed our LiL children and families this term and look forward to a further easing of restrictions to enable our wonderful Launching into Learning Program with Mrs McCausland to recommence in Term 3.
We have received instructions from the Department of Education and the Department of Health to have a staged approach to our Launching into Learning Programs to ensure we abide by the guidelines and the correct number of adults for the size of our LiL room. Due to the capacity of our LiL space we are requesting only families within out intake area attend LiL for Term 3. We understand there are families from outside the area that have regularly attended our LiL sessions and I encourage those families to make contact with their in area schools. If you are unsure please contact the office.
Session times will be:
- Thursdays 1:15 pm to 2:15 pm – This session is for children who will be attending Kinder in 2021.
- Fridays 8:45 am – 10:00 am – This session is for all children younger than pre kinder age.
For the past few weeks the focus in our PE lessons has been on the Paralympics and disability in sports. All classes participated in various activities and modified versions of the Paralympic sports of athletics, sitting volleyball and goalball. We had lots of interesting discussions and shared some great stories!
On Thursday 18th June all of the PE classes at Molesworth had the amazing opportunity to speak and hear from Australian Paralympic Athletes. We spoke via zoom and the athletes introduced themselves, told us of their journeys and disabilities, shared their experiences with us and showed us their Paralympic Medals! One of the Paralympic athletes shared his special quote with us, ‘the only disability is a bad attitude’. Here are some of our thoughts after the sessions:
Session 1 Brenden Hall – Para Swimmer
- I asked Brenden how nervous does he feel as he is about to race. Brenden told us that he never really gets nervous but one time his friend had just won a gold medal and he said it was his turn. He remembers sitting in the chair waiting for his turn shaking and saying to himself ‘I just gotta get the gold medal’. – Nash
- I asked Brenden what his favourite sport other than Para Swimming was. He said it is wheelchair rugby! – Meghan
- Brenden is also deaf in one of his ears and can only hear 30% in the other! – Gabe D
- I asked Brenden what his favourite meal/food is. Brenden told us it was pasta/carbs. He also told us ‘off the record’ his favourite was ice cream. Vanilla and cookies and cream! - Alona
Session 2 Tyan Taylor – Goalballer
- I learnt that the vision impairment that Tyan has doesn’t make her any different to us – Ryder C
- I found it interesting how they actually play Goalball. It looks fun and hard! – Dennis
- I found the glasses that Tyan showed us interesting (they showed us what it looks like to have vision impairment). – Charlotte
- I thought it was interesting that Tyan could see the ball even though she doesn’t have full vision - Brontee
- I found it interesting that Australia is most known for their Paralympic Athletics. I thought it would have been for Para Swimming. - James
Session 3 Eliza Ault-Connell – Wheelchair Racer
- Eliza showed us her hands! My hands were bigger than hers – Archie
- Her racing wheelchair was different! She even showed us her prosthetic leg! – Lacie
- I liked seeing her racing wheelchair. I think it looked really cool! – Kelsie
- I asked Eliza how many gold medals she had. Eliza showed us her own medals! She had bronze and silver medals. Her goal is to win a gold medal. - Bentley
In 1/2 we cultivate curiosity, questioning, connecting, make meaning, noticing and thinking big.

Welcome back to Term 2 with Year 4/5 (The Bush Agents…..yes that’s our name!)
Hello and welcome to our Term 2. Getting back into solid class routines and having students feel secure and ready to learn has been a top priority. It has been lovely to see them all revel in making connections again. Our continuing use of Seesaw will enable parents to also stay connected with their child’s learning.
A major component of our learning so far has been based on a program called TE RITO TOI (devised by a New Zealand Uni professor). In this unit of work so far we have looked at what makes us tick by identifying the things around you that make you happy or that are significant for you in particular ways. Students wrote some simply beautiful “MY I AM” poems and black line drawings which depict the main ideas in their poem.
We also have looked at the work of Banksy, the anonymous street graffiti artist and his latest work which has appeared at Southhampton Hospital in England. It depicts a young boy who has discarded his Spiderman and Batman model figures in favour of a new favourite action hero - an NHS nurse wearing a facemask, a nurse’s cape and an apron with the Red Cross emblem on it (the only element of colour in the picture). Banksy wrote a note to staff, “Thanks for all you are doing. I hope this brightens the place up a bit. Even if it’s only black and white.”
From looking at Banksy’s work, students have created their own superheroes and beside them a list of qualities which they feel they possess. We will be continuing on in this vein looking at qualities and values which help us in our lives.
We will also be studying “What are the qualities which make a good leader?” I am sure that this generation of children will have very firm ideas on what would make a good leader. Let’s hope they can lead the way!
Hello everyone!
Year 3-4 has been busy in the second half of term 2 investigating things big and small. With Mrs Breaden the 3-4's investigated the world beneath our feet looking at what bugs and insects do as well as creating come fantastic bug and insect art. More recently we have started to investigate the local history of the Molesworth Area and how our school is changing and has changed in the past. We are now delving into the broader history of the Derwent Valley and we have started investigating the uses of and drawing the older buildings within our community. We will be tracking the developments here at the school through next term too, I hope you find this older picture from the early eighties of the school as interesting as we did.

The grade 5/6 class has been working on ways to ‘bump up’ our writing. This week we read a picture book called ‘Owl Moon’ by Jane Yolen. It had lovely examples of similes, metaphors and tri colons. We have tried using these types of descriptive language techniques in our own writing.
When you say something is like something else.
The night air was as old as ice. (Oscar)
The snake slithered like a big worm back into its hole. (Tristan and Brilee)
The owl flew like a plane through the woods. (Matilda and Ewan)
The tall trees stalked like monsters. (Iestyn and Katie)
The owl landed as gracefully as an eagle. (Harvey and Willow)
It was like the forest was one big shadow. (Lily and Shaun)
The owl’s eyes were like puddles in the sky. (Tallulah and Emily)
The owl was as still as ice. (Maddison and Charlotte)
An owl was flying like a shooting star. (Leif and Zeke)
The brown owl is like a brown dog. (Kyeten, Hayden and Gabe)
When you say something is something else.
The snow is a blanket covering the land. (Ewan and Matilda)
The owl is an eagle soaring through the sky. (Lily and Shaun)
The owl is a log with wings. (Harvey and Willow)
It was a great blanket of white coldness. (Leif and Zeke)
Tri Colon
A series of three words, phrases or sentences that have a similar structure, length or rhythm.
It flew, it ‘whooed’, it stopped. (Kyeten, Hayden and Gabe)
I was silent, I was amazed, I couldn’t speak. (Leif and Zeke)
We saw the owl, then he landed, then he went. (Maddison and Charlotte)
It flapped, it flew, it soared. (Harvey and Willow)
I came, I saw, I knew. (Tristan and Brilee)
It was misty, it was cold, it was dead silent. (Lily and Shaun)
I tiptoed, I whispered, I called. (Katie and Iestyn)
It stared, it stalked, it flew. (Katie and Iestyn)
Over the snow, through the woods, cold as can be. (Ewan and Matilda)
The owl glided, floated and landed softly. (Oscar)
Writing Sample by Iestyn
My whole street had been ripped out of the ground. I started running on the stone tile that had been cracked by the mysterious thing. I glanced up. It was what I saw that made me scream like my mother when she sees an ugly, big spider. It was a monstrous cyclops. He held the street in the palm of his hand. His one eye glistened in the moonlight. He had warts the size of boulders all over his body. The cyclops grabbed a few houses in his knobbly hand. And flung them. I jumped off the secluded pieces of ground. And slipped. And fell. And hoped.
To be continued….
Term Dates 2020:
Last day of Term 2 is Friday 3 July, 2020
Term 3: Tuesday 21 July 2020 to Friday 25 September 2020
(Monday 20 July - Student Free Day)
Term 4: Monday 12 October 2020 to Thursday 17 December 2020